There is one way you could salvage this scenario that just poped into my mind.
Place the action in the North Pacific. If you want to have a purely theoretical scenario, and that seems to bo the case, go there. It is so vast and empty that land-based aircraft have the worst chance to influence the battle.
You gave both sides an equal number of submarines... how often does that happen?
With so many ships, I would have been tempted to set up a seperate surface action group; one surrounded by LA class submarines ready to ambush anything that came close. Risky, and very much against accepted wisdom... but how well has the Russian Navy ever dealt with surprises? (it would be great fun to have an empty old LHA right in the middle of themnfloorl: )
Place the action in the North Pacific. If you want to have a purely theoretical scenario, and that seems to bo the case, go there. It is so vast and empty that land-based aircraft have the worst chance to influence the battle.
You gave both sides an equal number of submarines... how often does that happen?
With so many ships, I would have been tempted to set up a seperate surface action group; one surrounded by LA class submarines ready to ambush anything that came close. Risky, and very much against accepted wisdom... but how well has the Russian Navy ever dealt with surprises? (it would be great fun to have an empty old LHA right in the middle of themnfloorl: )