Ive got a few questions though. Is the B-1B a great deal more maintainence intensive than a B-52? Where Im going with this is that the BUFF is getting old, its gotta be less advanced than a B-1 and, I would have thought, offer much less opportunity for upgrade. So whilst the B-1 cant carry as many bombs as a BUFF, its faster and well newer. So why is it that the B-1s head to the boneyard whilst the more senior B-52 soldiers on?
I will add to some already excellent comments, looking back into my memory for 30 year old flight line talks on mid shifts.
There are certain warplanes that endear themselves to maintenance men and woman. Pilots love their birds no matter what so they aren't an objective voice. The guys and Gals who keep the airplanes flying are the ones best suited to comment, and always have the planes they love to work on and the planes they hate.
The B-52 was a plane they loved. We made a gazzilion of the things and always have had a huge support mechanism in place for it so the gear heads were always able to find parts for them and keep them running. The Buff was always on the front lines of WW-3 with dozens of wings on hot alert for decades in all kinds of weather and conditions. And the Buff never let us down. The Buff was that "sleeper car" that was never fancy but you could always count on it to start up and take you where it had to go. It was also a proven war plane and flight crews always love a little extra the birds that take them into combat and then take them back
home safe.
It is quite simply the most successful bomber design ever. And everyone loved it. The gear heads, the Pilots, the navs, the weapons loaders, the cops that guarded it, the little old lady heading to grocery shop in Minot ND "whynot Minot"?, and saw it flying overhead. On all fronts the Buff is just a winner.
The B1b was a design always looking for a mission. Its support mechanism was far smaller and more flawed, as has been mentioned. Its the touchy hot-rod in the garage that's always giving you trouble, always needs parts and $$$ put into it, and you always have to explain to your wife why you bought it in the first place. And now with no nuclear mission the B1b is looking even more superfluous.
Back in the day we all wanted the B1 and we in USAF took it personal when the Peanut farmer cut it. In retrospect maybe the guy was right for once. With the advent of long range ALCMs that hot shot kind of bomber concept became irrelevant, as did the design potential lessen with the better Soviet radars, fighters, ATA missiles...ect
The simple truth is we dont need intercontinental bombers the way we used to. The days of dumb unguided airdrop bombs in USAF are coming to an end. I think we'll always have manned bombers but they are going to be far different types of systems then the legacy birds.