Aussie Digger And according to your Flight Global article your IRST system can "detect" at 130k's but ranges at 33k's.
Thank GOODNESS you've got an 80k IR missile...
You should keep in mind that this article is dated from 1999 and was posted only with the intend to INFORM you on how it was intended to WORK.
We know a little MORE about OSF NOW than was disclosed THEN
And YES MICA IR have the same range of 80 km+ (declassified figure) and its motor is designed to provide maximum output (maneuvrability off the rail and at end-game which is NOT the case for ANY AIM-120).
Now if you please you can compare this chart to that of an AIM-120 motor and tell US how it will be as effiscient beyhond 50 km with 10 G lower G capabilties, same speed, less LIFT,NO TVC and less linear motor output.
If you understand what engagement "envelop means" then you'll understand WHY NO NATO pilots today fires an AIM-120 at more than 50 km and expect a kill...
Aussie Digger I don't automatically assume "everythings" better from the USA, but if the differences WERE as great as you OR the Russian manufacturers of "threat" systems might state, they WOULD do something about it...
Perhaps you DONT know it but they are trying their outmost best to keep up, starting with AIM-9X, BVR AAMS are next in the list.
Aussie Digger You CANNOT argue against the operational performance of those using "US" systems, especially in air power related matters, and operationally is all that matters, isn't it?
You cannot argue against the FACT that there were NO oppotunities left to non-US aircrafts users to prove their capabilties during ANY of the conflict where they participated alongside US forces you cannot argue either on the kill ratio lower than 50% in Operational conditions.
ELP Posts: 72 Yeah well it is funny when some buy into the 4.5 generation marketing hype.
Very FUNNY indeed.
Some BUY US technico-commercial like a nannie does washing powder because she thinks it will give her whiter white than white.
ELP -5th generation includes:
-Sensor fusion
-Stealth ( real design stealth not a few appliances, gold dust a la HAVE GLASS- etc etc like legacies.
Sensor fusion have NO secret for European and now even Russians manufacturers and Boeing advertises their F/A-18/E/F/Gs as 5th generation not 4.5.
The F/A-18E/F Super Hornet is a combat-proven, 5th generation strike fighter with built-in versatility.
I thought its RCS was not lower thant that of Rafale and that with the event of the roadmap comes 2013 it will have older generation radar passive sensors and avionics, same here for F-35.
ELP I hope you aren't going to hang your hat on the very dubious DERA study which if anything is a model that is only as good as what you put into it. Add to that it is funny how it is a very nice marketing hype tool for the very nice Typhoon.
Eurofighter are not doing anything more than L-M aren't doing these days but for one thing its performances are not questioned by anyone in the buziness, not even inthe US.
ELP As for your theory on Typhoon and F-22 having scored engagements. That's possible. Typhoons have been in Vegas a long time for all kinds of testing.
I refers to RAF Typhoon pilots talking in terms of performances and upright capabilties here, not Jon Lake "I've been told" which proves wrong repeadedly as time goes...
ELP The term legacy for any non- 5th gen aircraft is apt.
Appart for the fact that it is totally innacurate when it comes to the performance benchmark which they represents for the F-22 and F-35.
4.5 generation are making a cold meal of "Legacies" on a day-to-day basis, even the least developed of them (T1s, F1 As).
ELP Expecting that the Typhoon has some special ability that will keep it from consistantly losing such an engagement is a reach.
Appart for the BVR it DOES have the edge over F-22 close-in.
To start with it IS equiped with HMDS which allows for off-boresight firing of short range AAMs, then there is the question of the turning performances and accelerations which are still of actuality despite what some might insist into saying.
I trust these pilots told it as it is.