I like the CALL OF DUTY games they are great,(Call Of Duty 2,3,4) and i just purchased Call of Duty WORLD AT WAR,(collectors edition).Its a pretty good game,you get bayonet by Japanese playing possum,you get MG42 as standard gun(in collectors edition).You even get a FLAME THROWER,to burn people out of buildings and bushes(AWSOME).I actually liked CALL OF DUTY 2 better than world at war,but WORLD of WAR is great too i give it a 8 out of 10.
I still play CS,and i think its one of the best first person shooters ever.
Love the RED ALERT and Command and Conquor Generals strategy game,still trying to find RED ALERT 2 expansion mod that lets you build anything,usa/russia/china as one team
It also gives you the option to purchase NAVY units,you get a cruiser of someones coast and watch em DIE a painful death