Which SAM systems pose the greatest threat? Pilots perspective


New Member
I am interested in which current / "in service" Surface to Air Missile/ AD Gun systems SA17? SA19? ZSU 23 etc others believe to pose the greatest threat to either fixed or rotary wing platforms from the pilots perspective

Thanks in advance

Dr Phobus

New Member
Hard question, i am not pilot, however, PAC-3 patriot, S-300 series, S-400 series, must be considerd amoung the worlds most able SAM's. Remeber all these systems have real ABM ability, also, S-300/400 are a family of missles within themselves with 2-3 sub-variants for differing mission parameters.

Closer in, Jernas (rapider-C) is considerd particually deadly, so are a variety of russians systems. To be honest is very hard to answer your question, there are so many highly effective systems in the world, consider all the ships based systems, Standard, ASTER (this later is particarlly deadly) ..

I hope this helps :lul


Grumpy Old Man
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ThInK TaNk said:
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