What is the replacement for E-3C Sentry?


Aussie Digger

sunjerem said:
Okay, one more topic from me today.

Does anyone know when and by what will E-3C AWAC be replaced by?

Or is there no need for a replacement, because F-22A's APG-77 AESA alone has a detection range of close to 300 Km for fighters?

Or is the replacement JSTARS?
There was a planned replacement for E-3C AWACS, E-8 J-STARS and RC-135 Joint Rivert Singals Intelligence aicraft, known as E-10 MC2A (Multi-Mission Command and Control) aircraft, but it's been cancelled. In the short term, upgrades will have to sustain the legacy aircraft, though Global Hawk will probably take up quite a bit of the Signals Intelligence gathering work though.

No tactical fighter could replace the AWACS aircraft. The radar capacity is only one of it's capabilities, it's "control" function is equally if not more important than it's detection capability. A single manned fighter can not replace the multiple consoles and workstations contained within a capable AWACS aircraft, even if the radar can (which is unlikely).

Wild Weasel

Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
A single tactical aircraft could not be a sufficient replacement, but it is concievable that an array, or constellation of manned, or unmanned tactical aircraft could perform in this regard.

A group of "MC2A" UAVs could even be more effective than a single, ultra-expensive, crew-filled, E-10.
For instance, it can be spread out to provide a greater range, and scope of coverage than a single aircraft.
If one or two of the group are destroyed, the rest of the group still has some functionality.
The loss of several units may be significantly less costly than a single E-10- particularly so given the loss of life involved.

Currently, the nominal mission endurance of modern AEW&C platforms is primarily limited by the physical needs and limitations of the crew. But this is a non-issue if the operators are safely located at a ground station thousands of kilometers distant from danger.

Anyway, these are some possibilities, and there are likely more that escape me at the moment.


New Member
Wild Weasel said:
A single tactical aircraft could not be a sufficient replacement, but it is concievable that an array, or constellation of manned, or unmanned tactical aircraft could perform in this regard.

A group of "MC2A" UAVs could even be more effective than a single, ultra-expensive, crew-filled, E-10.
For instance, it can be spread out to provide a greater range, and scope of coverage than a single aircraft.
If one or two of the group are destroyed, the rest of the group still has some functionality.
The loss of several units may be significantly less costly than a single E-10- particularly so given the loss of life involved.

Currently, the nominal mission endurance of modern AEW&C platforms is primarily limited by the physical needs and limitations of the crew. But this is a non-issue if the operators are safely located at a ground station thousands of kilometers distant from danger.

Anyway, these are some possibilities, and there are likely more that escape me at the moment.

The British Defense forces are trying to develop a global network that would allow them to command battle field assets from home, and Technology will ultimately automate most of the E3 Sentry manual functions, it is conceivable that Semiautomated features such as Global hawks could be controlled by more cleverer automated systems.

As you've probably guessed i'm a strong-advocate for automation