What aircraft is best for its 'role'

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New Member
Hi everyone, I'm new here but I think my passion for military aircraft is shared by everyone here. I've read literally hundreds of posts from this forum and most have been very informative. I'm really impressed by the amount of research some have put into their posts.

Here's my proposal: lots of posts have been aircraft A vs aircraft B, now go for it. But I think that's misguided and unuseful. Some of the comparisons simply compare aircraft designed for different purposes, e.g. JSF vs Eurofighter for one.
What I thought would be useful (and interesting) is if we compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges.

Here are the categories:
(sounds like the Oscars)
1. Best air superiority for long range CAPs
2. Best airspace point defense
3. Best long range intercept aircraft
4. Best strike aircraft (fighters or bombers)
5. Best CAS aircraft (feel free to include helos!!)
6. Best wild weasel

Ok that's just for starters, and please only include aircraft inservice, or aircraft which are about to start production. No concept aircraft please. And the list of categories is not exhaustive, just a start.

Most importantly please give reasons for your choices, I think that's the most interesting part. Well, go for it!


New Member
1. Best air superiority for long range CAPs
F-35, as it has the most endurance of any fighter and is the second best air superiority fighter. Its subsonic endurance is exceptional, even on internal fuel only it trumps most other fighters with external fuel. Put some external fuel tanks under the wings of the F-35 and no other aircraft could come close in terms of time on station.

2. Best airspace point defense
F-35, The STOVL version would be awesome for quick reaction from the front lines.

3. Best long range intercept aircraft
F-35, as it has longer range than the F-22, F-15C and probably the Su-30 as well.

4. Best strike aircraft (fighters or bombers)
F-35, the only aircraft that is stealth, can drop 2,000lb bombs while still being able to defend itself with a pair of AMRAAMs.

5. Best CAS aircraft (feel free to include helos!!)
F-35, 360degree EO/IR sensors allow it to sit at medium altitude using its excellent endurance while it destroys the enemy ground forces with the 12+ small diameter bombs it can carry.

6. Best wild weasel
F-35, the most advanced network centric fighter developed its software will display all the enemy SAM sites. Its stealth allows the F-35 to get closer.

I'll add some more:
Best bomber: B-2
Best interceptor of high speed targets: F-22
Best CAS platform to fly low over the enemy and then get shot down: A-10

EDIT *damn i sound like an F-35 fanboy... :S
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Super Moderator
Staff member
While the thread is not specifically a vs. thread, not directly comparing different aircraft, it is viewed by the Mod staff as being a vs. thread. As a rule, for the question revolves around what is "best" for/at something, there will be disagreement as to what is "best" with then leads into it becoming a vs. thread and then against forum rules. Hence the thread being locked.
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