US navy - Royal navy personnel distribution


New Member

I'm currently trying to compare personnel distibution in different navies, that is to say what percentage of personnel is in operations, head-quarters, support ...

It's easy to find data on various budgets but I find it impossible to get just how many personnel in each branch.

I can't be the first person interested in such data, it has to be somewhere out there but where? :unknown

I would greatly appreciate any help thank you. :D


New Member
Hmmm the Italian Navy has 36,000 personnel (including approx 2,000 Marines). Only about 18,000 are embarked or assigned to ships in maintenance or in completion. Rest is logistics, headquarters, training, etc



The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
German Navy:
21,000 total strength
6,000 men - embarked ship crews (includes 15% recruits)
1,500 men - infantry (2 bataillons)
1,500 men - aviation squadrons (2 squadrons)
1,000 men - recruits in training onshore (roughly)
5,000 men - serving in navy HQs, navy schools etc
6,000 men - serving in non-navy units (includes units below, as well as other units, includes also international HQs)

Support (major logistics, base administration and handling, maintenance) is supplied by the non-navy Streitkräftebasis (SKB), major maintenance functions (for the ships) is handled by the Marinearsenal which is part of the Federal Office of Defense Technology and Procurement (BWB), which is not Navy at all.
The "naval parts" of the SKB can't really be defined that well, since they are pretty much a mix of maintenance personnel etc drawn from all over the three main services, plus a lot of civilians. The two Marinearsenal stations also have a lot of civilian employees. Most of the above 6,000 men would be in SKB probably, transferred for SKB functions with previously Navy-run units like maintenance units.
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