Turkish upgrade of their AH-1P's


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Turkish Officials have announced that the remaining AH-1P's will undergo local upgrades to extend their use with the Turkish Armed Forces.

The upgrade will comprise of locally built, state-of-the-art electronics such as a mission computer system, and other supporting electronics developed domestically.

End this month, one AH-1P prototype will be tested with the Army.

The ATAK project of the 1996-2000 tender was failed because the AH-1Z King Cobra was selected and the US did not accepted the installation of a Turkish built electronics in a US licenced production in Turkey by TAI.


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Dear Soner,
As far as i know Turkish AH-1Ps already have received an extensive Avionics upgrade by Aselsan. They have been installed night vision systems (if i remember correctly Israeli). I dont expect another modernisation on these vintage platforms. Rather t hey are test beds for various R&D projects.

The news recently in media is about the ATAK tender which requires AsMaTa (Aselsan,Tubitak,Tai) to produce and locally design and develop a missions computer and all the necessary avionics and systems built around it. The first helicopter with the said systems (an AH-1P) will fly in July 06.

The helicopter selected in ATAK tender will also have this package and all the weapons systems will also be built around it.That is ofcourse if the performance satisfies TSK. If not the helicopters will be in original configuration.


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Yes that's true what you type here. But the remaining AH-1P/W will undergo the same upgrade because the newer generation mission computer. The avionics are all new I know that.

Also, it can be true that the AH-1P will used as a test modelling, or prototype.


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beleg said:
Yes that's true what you type here. But the remaining AH-1P/W will undergo the same upgrade because the newer generation mission computer. The avionics are all new I know that.
I doubt this, since AH-1W Super Cobra's were procured via FMS (Foreign Military Sales). That is the reson why ASELSAN mission equipment for ATAK project are tested on an AH-1P: AH1-1P/S helicopters were bought directly, thus not requiring US permission for modification or systems integration on airframe.


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Aha that kind. Mostly US weapons in Turkish service is FMS. I hate that! But again, we will go to develop our own weapons...


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Rooivalk is already a candidate in the ATAK tender. AH-1s are the test beds for the mission computers,avionics & weapons suite that will be used in the winner of ATAK tender.