Turkey's buying elements of the S-3000 and Tor-M1 from Belarus and the Ukraine to test its EW equipment's effectiveness against them and develop more effective tactics to neutralize/minimize the threat. This might have quite a profound effect for Greece and Cyprus if combined with Israeli EW systems.
Here is from an article about it:
Here is from an article about it:
Turkey is planning to buy elements of S-300 systems from Ukraine and Belarus to deploy them in its electronic combat simulation center, to be used for evaluation of the EW systems operational with TUAF F-16 fighters. During these tests those systems will be jammed, enabling Turkey to develop effective countermeasures and tactics. According to the Turkish daily Today's Zaman, the decision to buy former Soviet-designated SA-12 (300V version) and SA-10 (S-300) missile systems, as well as SA-15 TOR short and medium-range systems, at a cost of around $100 million, was approved in July 2008.
Turkey established an Electronic Warfare Training Field (EHTS) at the air combat training center opened in 2001 near the central Anatolian town of Konya, some 250 kilometers from Ankara, The facility provides Turkish and allied air forces realistic air combat and ground attack training. Evaluation of Russian made Tor and S-300 air defense systems will provide Turkey with information about the potential capabilities of these weapons, currently operated by Greek and Cypriot air defenses. It will also provide an instrumental insight into the capabilities of the latest air defense weapons potentially encountered by allied air forces in the future.