Top 5 Trained/equpied soldiers of the world

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long live usa

New Member
Mind you that this is only soldiers training and equipment no vehicles or other equipment
these are my top 5
1.America :usa <of course
2.isreal :israel
3.united kingdom
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Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Top 5/10 threads. Gotta love em!!!!

Care to elaborate on your rational behind the ranking?

Do you consider the entirety of the US Army/Marine Corp personnel to be better equiped and trained than say the Australian Military?

What specific mission requirement are we considering the forces to be trained for? Jungle warfare, COIN, MOUT, Arctic Warfare, Mountain Warfare etc etc...

Considering the fact that Germany still operates a conscription/national service approach to keeping its armed forces at the desired manning level. Do you believe this warents their military as a whole being considered better trained than many of the totally professional armys not on your list? The same question can be levelled against the Israeli Armed Forces.

All these things need to be considered and debated before determining any ranking structure for a Nations Military


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
By this forums rules of use it needs to be closed. Original post provided no backup or analysis of the position stated.

However I would like Long Live USA to have a chance to elaborate on his position before you make your decision.

I know I am new here and as such my opinion carries zero weight :)


Banned Member
Mod edit: "Insightful" comments such as these unfortunately have no place here. Feel free to contribute, however please do not display your ignorance...
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