Be interested in peoples opinion of this. All other Navies in the world rely on land based long range ASW aircraft or ship based ASW helo's. Considering that the USN has the most lethal submarine force in the world. Why isnt there an international effort to develop fixed wing carrier based ASW? I realise that most non US carriers are limited to VTOL/Helo. But those that arent, especially France and Russia, dont seem to be interested either. Whats up?
OK this part is only my theory so take it for whats its worth and please correct me where I'm wrong. In the old days of the Cold War where we had a defined blue water submerged threat with fairly noisy submarines. It seems logical that it was much easier to detect Subs at long distances with passive means organic and non organic like SOSUS ect. The only way to take advantage was to have a platform that could get out there fast, establish and maintain contact and prosecute if necessary. Given the vast size of the oceans its impractical for all the S-3s in the world to just roam around uncued looking for needles in the haystack. So in this modern era where the blue water sub threat is diminished. WHY DO WE NEED fixed wing ASW? It would seem that Helos are actually better suited for organic ASW in the types of areas we would most likely encounter a submarine. For the few remaining blue water capable threats, it would seem like more SSNs are whats best.
Thought/Comments/Discussion on the current state of USN Carrier Based ASW appreciated.
OK this part is only my theory so take it for whats its worth and please correct me where I'm wrong. In the old days of the Cold War where we had a defined blue water submerged threat with fairly noisy submarines. It seems logical that it was much easier to detect Subs at long distances with passive means organic and non organic like SOSUS ect. The only way to take advantage was to have a platform that could get out there fast, establish and maintain contact and prosecute if necessary. Given the vast size of the oceans its impractical for all the S-3s in the world to just roam around uncued looking for needles in the haystack. So in this modern era where the blue water sub threat is diminished. WHY DO WE NEED fixed wing ASW? It would seem that Helos are actually better suited for organic ASW in the types of areas we would most likely encounter a submarine. For the few remaining blue water capable threats, it would seem like more SSNs are whats best.
Thought/Comments/Discussion on the current state of USN Carrier Based ASW appreciated.