The new US bomber


New Member
Anyone has any good info on that , I read at many sources that US plans to develop a new bomber. Is there any info anywhere on what its primarly task would be and aproximetly what size it would be or any other info.


New Member
In the USAF magazine it was mentioned this month that the current thinking on the new bomber is that it would be a B -3 type aircraft (in other words - all new, not an upgraded version of a current bomber or commercial jet liner).

It is to be a manned, subsonic, medium bomber in a class between the proposed FB -22(bomber version of the Raptor wich was dropped) and the B-2. This is to be an interim, cost effective bomber to plus up numbers, since the 2006 quadrennial defence review stated a requirement to increase long range presicion strike by up to 50% by 2018.

Apparently the USAF wants to develop hypersonic technology further for a future bomber it wants to field in 2038.


New Member
I read from a few other sources that this project has been in the works since about 2000ish. It is meant to take the spot of the aging F-117. It will employ a stealth like platform or possible plasma technologies. I'm not exactly sure if the article I read meant that it will have the option of both or one or the other. I'll look around for the article I read, it was pretty interesting. It did say that this was an all new platform, so at least some of our informations agree.

One other major improvement will be in the exhaust systems, both IR and with sound.