Technology vs. Pilot Skill?


New Member
When it comes to air combat, we know that two factors stand out in importance when it comes to how effective one will be against an able adversary:

1) The Aircraft being used


2) The Pilot's skill at using that particular craft.

Now my question is, what percentage of the (likely success) equation do each of the above factors account for? How much can a pilot's skill make up for what lacks in their craft and vice versa?

For example, if a Mig23 were to have to face off with a F-35, would it be nearly impossible to find a pilot who would be capable of using the Mig in such a manner that it would actually present the F-35 with a viable thread? Or would the destruction of the Mig23 really be a foregone conclusion and, for all intents and purposes, impossible to avoid?

Help a newbie out guys.


Super Moderator
Verified Defense Pro
stud40111 you can perhaps find the answer to such questions in our old threads. Do a little searching. Man v/s Machine is not easy to answer though. There is no simple answer nor a good statistical data is available on this. At least not that I know of.


Super Moderator
Staff member
It depends on the level of skill difference and technology difference. Obviously if your pilots don't know how to fly the airplane, then even a Me-262 will pose a viable threat to your grounded airplanes. And obviously if you have half-decent pilots flying F-35's against MiG-23's, then no matter how good the MiG-23 are, they will be annihilated. But inbetween it comes down to the exact situation.