Technological advantages of RAN over Chinese Navy


New Member
Hi all. New to these forums. About two to three years back I read an article by Hugh White in which he made the remark that for now the Australian Navy still had a significant advantage over the Chinese Navy. He referred to the Chinese navy having a navy primarily designed for home waters defence and that the navy largely consisted of surface ships and submarines that were obsolute and with many systems at least two generations behind Australia's. He explained that at the core of China's problems was the arms embargo placed on it by western nations.

Can anyone expand on this issue and provide examples and explain in lay terms the current balance of power in terms of both navies. I take great interest in such matters and my ears have pricked up again in regards to the matter after recent purchase decisions regarding the RAN and relevant upgrades to existing ships.

Being former Army, I can keep abreast of army issues without asking for help, however, in a world of rapidly changing technologies, my knowledge of naval matters is simplistic to say the least.

Thanks for any assistance. I have spent the last two nights reading your forums but cannot find any significant input into the question posed.

Awang se

New Member
Verified Defense Pro
just like the old Russian navy, Chinese navy were originally a coastal defence force. i believe Australia maintain the lead for now, but without heavy US assistance, the Chinese might have overtake the Aussies in slightly over a decade, probably less. Unlike USSR, the Chinese have a strong capitalist oriented economy to support this buildup. In fact, they rely entirely on income from trade surplus for military related expenditures.


New Member
Hi all. New to these forums. About two to three years back I read an article by Hugh White in which he made the remark that for now the Australian Navy still had a significant advantage over the Chinese Navy. He referred to the Chinese navy having a navy primarily designed for home waters defence and that the navy largely consisted of surface ships and submarines that were obsolute and with many systems at least two generations behind Australia's. He explained that at the core of China's problems was the arms embargo placed on it by western nations.

Can anyone expand on this issue and provide examples and explain in lay terms the current balance of power in terms of both navies. I take great interest in such matters and my ears have pricked up again in regards to the matter after recent purchase decisions regarding the RAN and relevant upgrades to existing ships.

Being former Army, I can keep abreast of army issues without asking for help, however, in a world of rapidly changing technologies, my knowledge of naval matters is simplistic to say the least.

Thanks for any assistance. I have spent the last two nights reading your forums but cannot find any significant input into the question posed.
I would only put the PRC Navy approximately a decade or so behind in some areas.While only a brown water navy, their navy would outgun anything the Australians would care to put up, because of recent acquisitions from Russia , and their own development.THe Australian advantage would lie in the fact that they are a far better trained force.
I suggest you visit the China Defence Forum, theres some pretty knowledgeable guys there that know something about the Chinese Navy.