Fofanov does good work. In a nutshell, LancerMc is right about ERA;but it's the flyer plate (a plate of metal that goes flying at an angle to the jet penetration) that disrupts the HEAT jet or deflects the penetrator. First-generation ERA did very little against APFSDS, as Vasily notes on his site, but Kontakt-5 and Kaktus apparently do pretty well.
Ceramic armors are very hard but brittle, which means that they can blunt and/or erode long-rod penetrators. And when they are backed by a very dense material (like DU or tungsten), they can be very effective at stopping penetration because the now-blunted penetrator needs to push a plug of ceramic material through the dense armor. "Composite armor" usually means several layers of different materials, of different densities. These layers can induce yaw in a penetrator and help disperse a CE jet. When ERA is added as the first layer, the KE or CE penetrator is already blunted/yawing/dispersing by the time it reaches the main armor.
A good overview of different types of armor is at