tank armour


New Member
on modern tanks exposive reactive armour and composits are very popular, i dont know how they work and the advantage and disadvantage of each. Will someone please explain.


New Member
Well here is something about ERA

First generation were the israeli ERA brick type blocks which were basic explosives which defeated Heat or other chemical rounds.

Then russian Kontakt-5 which were like the brick ERA but had a thicker denser outside to try break the tip of a APFSDS round and gave it extra protection which was mildly better.

Then there is this new third generation Kaktus type of interweving armour which is a lot thinner and looks like it doesn't contain a lot of explosives or maybe none at all. Im just assuming this is just going to be used to defeat APFSDS rounds


As you can see a lot thinner. And possibly the armour arrangment is a clam shell one as well

Here is a good read about ERA
Modern Explosive Reactive Armours


New Member
ERA armor essentially detects the penetration of a anti-tank round, then explodes a plastic explosive to either destroys or disrupt the round so it will not penetrate the hull of the tank.


New Member
Fofanov does good work. In a nutshell, LancerMc is right about ERA;but it's the flyer plate (a plate of metal that goes flying at an angle to the jet penetration) that disrupts the HEAT jet or deflects the penetrator. First-generation ERA did very little against APFSDS, as Vasily notes on his site, but Kontakt-5 and Kaktus apparently do pretty well.

Ceramic armors are very hard but brittle, which means that they can blunt and/or erode long-rod penetrators. And when they are backed by a very dense material (like DU or tungsten), they can be very effective at stopping penetration because the now-blunted penetrator needs to push a plug of ceramic material through the dense armor. "Composite armor" usually means several layers of different materials, of different densities. These layers can induce yaw in a penetrator and help disperse a CE jet. When ERA is added as the first layer, the KE or CE penetrator is already blunted/yawing/dispersing by the time it reaches the main armor.

A good overview of different types of armor is at http://www.niistali.ru/science/secure_en.htm#4