This very night, as he sips his cognac, what is Vladimir Putin thinking? Is he perhaps thinking about the perverse symmetries of history? If so, he may also be wondering (and discussing with his closest aides) how a truly great nation like the United States could be so blind and so stupid as to allow another state, i.e., Israel, to control its foreign policy, especially in a region as vital (and volatile) as the Mid-East.
One can almost hear the Russians' animated conversation:
"The Americans! What is the matter with them?" "They simply cannot help themselves."
"What idiots!"
"A nation as foolish as this deserves to be taught a lesson"
"Yes! For their own good."
"It must be a painful lesson, one they will never forget. "Are we agreed, then, comrades?"
"Let us teach our American friends a lesson about the limits of military power..."