Su-27SM Electronics & Su30KN


New Member
Can anyone tell me the main differences in electronics between the Su-27SM and Su-30 and its variants? What advantages do the Su-27SM electronics offer?

Also, what's happening with the Su-30KN? Will it enter service?


New Member
The Su-27SM uses radar and avionics that are practically identical to the Su-30MK2, recently of the PLANAF and a couple to Venenzuela. Yes, its not the same as the Su-30KN. As far as I know the Su-30KN uses an upgraded N001 based radar that was running along on the same theme as the N001VEP radar used on the Su-30MKK and MK2. The Su-27UBM was supposed to be based on the -30KN, practically the same aircraft that is an upgrade of the Su-27UB. But the RuAF dropped the Su-27UBM upgrade proposal in favor of the Su-27SM, and the Su-30KN lacked any financing to go further.


New Member
Indians 18 Su-30K will be taken back by Irkut and they will be upgraded to the KN standard. These aircraft will be sold to Belarus about 2009. India receives therefore 18 brand new MKI.