I saw this today and wanted to get some opinions on the Stryker overall. I don't know much about it and what are some other vehicles in it's class , thanks.
Stryker MGS: Problems in the Field
n February 2006, “New Stryker Variants Gear Up for Testing” described the M1128 Stryker Mobile Gun System, and the M1135 Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle. The vehicles passed testing and have been fielded to Army units, but Military.com reports that the M1128 MGS is experiencing serious problems in the field. Comments like these are not what a manufacturer like General Dynamics, or a military, wants to hear:
“I wish [the enemy] would just blow mine up so I could be done with it,” said [4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment] Spec. Kyle Handrahan, 22, of Anaheim, Calif.”
What seems to be the trouble?
According to Christian Lowe’s “New Stryker Faring Poorly in Field”, a computer system that consistently locks up is the beginning of the trouble. “Blue screen of death” jokes aside, this is a serious issue in a heavily computerized vehicle like the Stryker. To add to the platform’s woes, a shortage of spare parts in the system is apparently creating low availability rates, and an inadequate cooling system is a serious handicap in the Middle East’s withering heat. In order to keep the crew from heatstroke, special suits must be worn that circulate cold water underneath the garment’s surface. Aside from the accompanying mobility and maintenance issues, crew members are complaining that they’re becoming chilled rather than cooled.
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Stryker MGS: Problems in the Field
n February 2006, “New Stryker Variants Gear Up for Testing” described the M1128 Stryker Mobile Gun System, and the M1135 Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle. The vehicles passed testing and have been fielded to Army units, but Military.com reports that the M1128 MGS is experiencing serious problems in the field. Comments like these are not what a manufacturer like General Dynamics, or a military, wants to hear:
“I wish [the enemy] would just blow mine up so I could be done with it,” said [4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment] Spec. Kyle Handrahan, 22, of Anaheim, Calif.”
What seems to be the trouble?
According to Christian Lowe’s “New Stryker Faring Poorly in Field”, a computer system that consistently locks up is the beginning of the trouble. “Blue screen of death” jokes aside, this is a serious issue in a heavily computerized vehicle like the Stryker. To add to the platform’s woes, a shortage of spare parts in the system is apparently creating low availability rates, and an inadequate cooling system is a serious handicap in the Middle East’s withering heat. In order to keep the crew from heatstroke, special suits must be worn that circulate cold water underneath the garment’s surface. Aside from the accompanying mobility and maintenance issues, crew members are complaining that they’re becoming chilled rather than cooled.
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