Strategy Question

I play an RP where you create your own country. Well, I've come to the point where I need to create and organise my military. Here's the planned make-up:

Squad: 12 men
Platoon: 4 squads
Company: 3 infantry platoons, and one heavy weapons platoon.

Heavy weapons will include mortars and such, and I plan on each squad having one machine gunist. My question is this, do todays modern military tatics still call for a heavy machine, which would be included in the heavy weapons platoon and would be mostly static? I want to say yes, but I think my knowledge and tatics from WWII cloud my vision. So, should I have heavy machine guns as part of my heavy weapons platoon, that would play a mostly static role and lay suppressing fire?

Aussie Digger

militarystrategy said:
I play an RP where you create your own country. Well, I've come to the point where I need to create and organise my military. Here's the planned make-up:

Squad: 12 men
Platoon: 4 squads
Company: 3 infantry platoons, and one heavy weapons platoon.

Heavy weapons will include mortars and such, and I plan on each squad having one machine gunist. My question is this, do todays modern military tatics still call for a heavy machine, which would be included in the heavy weapons platoon and would be mostly static? I want to say yes, but I think my knowledge and tatics from WWII cloud my vision. So, should I have heavy machine guns as part of my heavy weapons platoon, that would play a mostly static role and lay suppressing fire?
Yes, dismounted direct fire support weapons (7.62mm -12.7mm machine guns, 40mm auto-grenade launchers) still play an important part of most army's fire support assets, particularly within light infantry formations.

Also nowadays each infantry section/squad normally mounts 2x 5.56mm machine guns known as a "light support" weapon. The SAW (M-249B "squad automatic weapon) that BiG-E refers to is a good example of such a weapon. In Australia they are known as F-89 Minimi's and are maufactured by Fabrique Nationale.

Good luck.

Aussie Digger

weasel1962 said:
This is my favorite. Light which makes movement a lot easier. Fires like an M16 on auto.

Something for the future:

12 men squads is too many or too few. Can't fit into 1 APC/MICV and too few for 2.

RPGs at squad level is standard ever since the Egyptians demonstrated how useful it was in '73.

I'd like a UAV support. Wouldn't mind one of these at coy level as well.
Agreed. A 9 person infantry section (Squad) can fit in an APC/IFV when needed and can operate as a light infantry formation with a 3x man "gun group" a 3x man "assault group" plus a HQ group with the section commander and 2x scouts or rifleman, or as drivers/crew commanders if operating as motorised/mech inf.

Any more than that is wasteful. Put them into more sections if you have excess troops. A rifle company can always do with it's OWN fire support section...