Some tech ideas to help soldiers


New Member
The first one is: put cushions in the helmet to avoid brain damage from shockwaves that can lead to mental illness. You would have to put cushions on the face part too, and the soldier would view the outside through a camera.

The second one: using sensors in the helmet that read brain activity, or maybe an implant that reads blood chemistry, to detect extreme pain, and if it detects it, it automatically injects the soldier with a non-addictive painkiller via an IV implant.

The third and final one: covering soldiers in a special gel with a special skin-tight suit on top of that. If the suit detects a hole, it sends a shock to the gel around the hole that turns the gel into glue. Then foam spreads across the hole from inside the suit and seals the hole. Intended to prevent soldiers from bleeding to death.

Let me know what you guys think.
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