Skyguard Laser Defense System For Local Defense


New Member
Northrop Grumman Develops Skyguard Laser Defense System For Local Defense.

Sky Guard appears to be a highly refined and advanced version of THEL (Tactical High Energy Laser), which was a joint development b/w Northop and Israel. However unlike THEL, SkyGuard appears to be based on solid laser and much more portable. Northop claims it can offer protection from rockets, mortars and artillary. Israel could really use it now..

Are there any other somilar systems under development?
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New Member
kams said:
Northrop Grumman Develops Skyguard Laser Defense System For Local Defense.

Sky Guard appears to be a highly refined and advanced version of THEL (Tactical High Energy Laser), which was a joint development b/w Northop and Israel. However unlike THEL, SkyGuard appears to be based on solid laser and much more portable. Northop claims it can offer protection from rockets, mortars and artillary. Israel could really use it now..
yeah, if its s good as advertised, shooting down Katyushas fired from Southern Lebanon would be the ideal situation to prove the technology.. not to appear cynical but having rockets slam into Israel helps justify (on Israel's mind at least) the use of massive force in the current campaign.. but then again, maybe the answer is technical in nature.


New Member

Haven't we learned our lesson yet? Why do we continue helping out those who would be soon our enemy or sell the techonology to our enemies? On one hand we are helping the Palestinians and on the other we are helping the Israelis. No wonder everyone hates us everywhere. With the sinking dollar and the rising euro we are in for some serious bumpy roads. The government doesn't know when to say no when they should. Eventually the till will be empty, then what's the plan? Those who have will have and those who have not will have not.