Should NATO have a Strategic Airlift Force?


New Member
In the most recent issue of Air Forces Monthly (December 2005), AFM Editor Alan Warnes discusses the lack of Strategic Airlift in the EU and NATO. He proposes an novel idea that NATO or the EU should form its own Startegic Airlift Force.

"So what has th rest of Europe done to boost its strategic airlift capabilities since 1999? Nothing. Many EU or NATO countires pin their hopes on the Airbus A400M, which is not expected to enter service until 2010. Isn't it about time that the EU or NATO created its own unit of Strategic Airlift aircraft, in the same way as NATO has its own AWACS force? This might also make life easier for those working at the recently established European Airlift Centre in Eindhoven, as they are currently having to juggle needs against a large collection of tire old C-130s Hercules, Transall C-160s, and An-26s."

Alan Warnes

I think it would a great capability for NATO and the EU for future military and humanitarian needs in Europe and the world. A combined heavy lift force of C-17s, C-130s, and eventually A-400Ms could help end many NATO countries lack of a heavy lift capability.

I think this is a important question, especially since more and more people are discussing the problems that many countries have in affording a heavy lift capability and properly moving logistical goods and equipment.

Dr Phobus

New Member
Interesting question, I feel the answer could be a yes, but its depeneds on what sort of planes they are talking about. Anything smaller than A-124/C-17/A-380F/B747-400F what's the point ? There's a lot (184 plus) of A-400M and even a few C-17's that will be, or already are in the EU/Nato (europe) airforces in the next 5-10 years, so why go to the exspence. Whats needed are high end capability not more of the same like the over-rated C-130/or more A-400m's. Yes 5-10 years in a long time, but by the time NATO argees on this idea, gets the money, buy the planes and station them somewhere it will be 5-10 years. Of course the Ameircan's could donate some C-5 and have NATO pay for there upgrades/staffing it could even be a loan verses a money based lease. There's an idea !!

Thoughts please.


Banned Member
Could not agree more, I argued something similar in the Aussie C-17 thread.

It has always been a major shortcoming of all Western European air forces, and pining hopes on the A-400M will do little to alleviate the problem. 10 to 30 C-17s in either NATO/EU colours would not only enhance this continent's military capability, but also our response to the seemingly ever growing number of humanitarian disasters the World currently faces.

Dr Phobus

New Member

I like the donation of the C-5 idea ! But just too say the europeans should rush out and buy C-17's, i do not think is on, afterall why should european money sponser american industry when there are alternatives. Thats why i like the donation idea, with the europeans paying for the up-grades and staffing. Also, a fleet of commerical bulk carriers can also contribute, especially when is come to humanitarian like problems.