I was wondering if there was ever secret coorperations between Soviet Union n US during the cold war days?. Much like Emergency life saving coop between the 2 giants in space? Durig the cold war only these 2 countries ever have the capability to go into space or have any presence in space. Could there have been undocumented request for help between them 2 when something went bad in space during each others mission?
Other than the Apollo-Soyuz docking or MIR-SHutle mission which were not emergency type mission, i've never heard of anything else.
nevidimka the topic does not fit in the military aviation forum. I am sorry we don't have separate forum for Space but we usually take it to the 'Defence Technology' forum. Hence I am moving it there.
Other than the Apollo-Soyuz docking or MIR-SHutle mission which were not emergency type mission, i've never heard of anything else.
nevidimka the topic does not fit in the military aviation forum. I am sorry we don't have separate forum for Space but we usually take it to the 'Defence Technology' forum. Hence I am moving it there.
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