Secret Service agents rushing former President Donald Trump off stage after gunshots sounding bangs were heard during a rally in Pennsylvania.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Secret Service agents have rushed former President Donald Trump off stage after what sounded like gunshots rang out at a rally in Pennsylvania.

Trump appeared to have blood on one ear as he was rushed off stage in Pennsylvania following loud bangs.

Twee doden en zwaargewonde bij verkiezingsbijeenkomst Trump, onder wie de schutter | Buitenland |

So two people were killed during this shooting, including the shooter. A bystander was hit and injured, and Donald Trump seems to be wounded on his ear.

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
Sure was surprised how many female secret service agents were on scene as he was pushed into his vehicle. Despite attempts to cover him, he stupidly exposed himself a couple of times before he was secured into the SUV.

Sandhi Yudha

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Sure was surprised how many female secret service agents were on scene as he was pushed into his vehicle. Despite attempts to cover him, he stupidly exposed himself a couple of times before he was secured into the SUV.
He definitely goes to use this for his campaign. The contradiction of multiple layers of protection in the end when he was already in the car, and letting him being totally exposed for many seconds when he was on the stage instead of moving him directly away, almost looks like a staged act.


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Secret Service agents have rushed former President Donald Trump off stage after what sounded like gunshots rang out at a rally in Pennsylvania.

Trump appeared to have blood on one ear as he was rushed off stage in Pennsylvania following loud bangs.
Twee doden en zwaargewonde bij verkiezingsbijeenkomst Trump, onder wie de schutter | Buitenland |

So two people were killed during this shooting, including the shooter. A bystander was hit and injured, and Donald Trump seems to be wounded on his ear.
I'm sure he's fine. He was tone-deaf anyways. It's curious though that for all the concern about far right violence, it's the far left (or "left" as the case may be) that drew first blood.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
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I'm sure he's fine. He was tone-deaf anyways. It's curious though that for all the concern about far right violence, it's the far left (or "left" as the case may be) that drew first blood.
We don't know who is behind this....the Democrats, Latino's, Muslims? Anyway, the shooter is dead, so we can not question him anymore.
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The Bunker Group
Anyway, the shooter is dead, so we can not question hom anymore.
They (FBI) will always found out whose the shooter background and affiliations anyway. Either way MAGA movements will use this to best their cause. Shown the 'Left', the Globalist are behind this and their Mainstream Media going to cover them.

Another chapter for 2024 campaign can be in corner. The court cade against him, and this shooting will be use as proof of how Mainstream Liberal are taking everything to stop Trump and MAGA.


I'm sure he's fine. He was tone-deaf anyways. It's curious though that for all the concern about far right violence, it's the far left (or "left" as the case may be) that drew first blood.
I would be very, very careful about asserting who drew "first blood" the left or the right. Apart from there being not much out in the public domain yet (it is still very early in whatever investigation will be done), there is also the issue of what the timeline is. When are people starting to keep 'score' on which side the perpetrators of political violence were/are on? If the scorecard is started as of today, and the shooter was left/left leaning and did so for political reasons, then scoring 'first blood' for the left could be accurate.

The unfortunate reality is that whilst political violence has not been a common occurrence in the US, it has been happening periodically for decades, by both the Left and Right. The Weathermen (far Left Marxist militant group from the late 60's and well into the 70's) carried out several bombings in that time. Starting around the same time was a loose Far Right organization known as Posse Comitatus (yes, like the Reconstruction Era act) which was essentially the forerunner to many of the sovereign citizen and/or "Christian nationalist" groups active in the US since then. The Montana Freemen group active in the 1990's, which included members getting convicted and sentenced to prison for engaging in terrorism, are one such descendant group. The single deadliest domestic terrorism incident in the US remains the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building by a pair of Far Right anti-gov't extremists in 1995.

One of the major concerns about Far Right violence at present, is the volume of threats and the degree that it has become 'normalized' and apparently acceptable.

Side note: A friend of mine has a reporter friend who was on or near the stage at the time of the shooting and from pictures it looks like Trump might have been hit a 2nd time, in the upper right chest, with the round being stopped by body armour. I cannot confirm the veracity of the pictures, but it seems quite possible.

At this point, I am concerned that certain elements will now be even more 'amped up' and being seeking to 'even the score' possibly by engaging in or expanding political violence.


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I would be very, very careful about asserting who drew "first blood" the left or the right. Apart from there being not much out in the public domain yet (it is still very early in whatever investigation will be done), there is also the issue of what the timeline is. When are people starting to keep 'score' on which side the perpetrators of political violence were/are on? If the scorecard is started as of today, and the shooter was left/left leaning and did so for political reasons, then scoring 'first blood' for the left could be accurate.

The unfortunate reality is that whilst political violence has not been a common occurrence in the US, it has been happening periodically for decades, by both the Left and Right. The Weathermen (far Left Marxist militant group from the late 60's and well into the 70's) carried out several bombings in that time. Starting around the same time was a loose Far Right organization known as Posse Comitatus (yes, like the Reconstruction Era act) which was essentially the forerunner to many of the sovereign citizen and/or "Christian nationalist" groups active in the US since then. The Montana Freemen group active in the 1990's, which included members getting convicted and sentenced to prison for engaging in terrorism, are one such descendant group. The single deadliest domestic terrorism incident in the US remains the Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building by a pair of Far Right anti-gov't extremists in 1995.

One of the major concerns about Far Right violence at present, is the volume of threats and the degree that it has become 'normalized' and apparently acceptable.

Side note: A friend of mine has a reporter friend who was on or near the stage at the time of the shooting and from pictures it looks like Trump might have been hit a 2nd time, in the upper right chest, with the round being stopped by body armour. I cannot confirm the veracity of the pictures, but it seems quite possible.

At this point, I am concerned that certain elements will now be even more 'amped up' and being seeking to 'even the score' possibly by engaging in or expanding political violence.
I don't think we can link those groups to the current polarization directly though. I think the past ~20 years have seen a level of societal polarization unseen in a very long time, and many feel that it will lead to blood. I agree with the general sentiment on the score card, it does depend on when you start counting. But I don't think you can dig as deep as you have and get anything more then a tenuous link to current events. Not because causal links can't be that deep, but because I think we're seeing something new emerge relatively recently. That having been said, the far right is one ugly collection of organizations and individuals. I just don't think the "left" is much better. I also find it curious that they're willing to focus on questions of race, gender, disability, but not on the issue that affects everyone more then anything else - economics. If a giant corporation that abuses it's workers, dodges taxes, and does environmental damage, but supports trans-rights, then they're willing to see that as a win, and accept the support even though its' quite tainted... It's why I put the term "left" in quotation marks.


Active Member
Pennsylvania voter registration records show the shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, is a registered Republican.

I'm not surprised. Lot's of republicans hate Trump as much as the far left.


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Pennsylvania voter registration records show the shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, is a registered Republican.

I'm not surprised. Lot's of republicans hate Trump as much as the far left.
That's quite a relief. I think this might be far less impactful if the shooter is from the right. With that, and Trump surviving with what appear to be token injuries, maybe this will be little more then election excitement rather then a prelude to anything larger.
What a shame they didn't spend a bit more time on the range.

@SouthernSky Grow up. There is no need for this rubbish on here. Don't do it again.

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Well-Known Member
As someone who has worked in emergency services for a number of years, never, ever, ever say it could not be worse. It always can.
I was just kidding, as a european I couldnt care less about Trump or Biden.
To be honest, Trump could be a very good thing for Europe.
When he was POTUS the EU made a lot of progress towards the "ever closer union".
Let's hope we can finally wake up from our 80 years-long nap.

Black Jack Shellac

Active Member
Sure was surprised how many female secret service agents were on scene as he was pushed into his vehicle. Despite attempts to cover him, he stupidly exposed himself a couple of times before he was secured into the SUV.
Not true. Most analyst say the shooter was down and there was no further threat before the agents even let him stand up.


Super Moderator
Staff member
That's quite a relief. I think this might be far less impactful if the shooter is from the right. With that, and Trump surviving with what appear to be token injuries, maybe this will be little more then election excitement rather then a prelude to anything larger.
I doubt the truth will get in the way of a conspiracy theory to be honest. Facts will never hold up in the court of social media.