Secret meteorological weapons ?

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New Member
Mr. Stevens claims that Russian military specialists were behind the fury of Hurricane Katrina that devastated New Orleans. According to him, Russia has built secret equipment for causing a detrimental impact on the weather way back in the Soviet era.

.S. media quickly spread the news around. Both Russia and the U.S. were long rumored to have been involved in the development of meteorological weapon. But those rumors seemed too wild to searching a grain of truth hidden underneath. In the meantime, some Russian politicians say the experiments have been conducted and still conducted on either side of the ocean. Following death and destruction caused by Katrina, The Americans promptly unearthed the controversial interview by Vladimir Zhirinovsky in which he threatened to unleash floods all over the United States when "our scientists slightly change the earth's gravitational field." Nobody got scared watching the drunken boss of the Liberal Democratic Party promise doom's day for the United States. But once Katrina struck and the southern part of the U.S. got drowned, the improbable rumors about Russia's meteorological weapon came to light again.

This is very exciting. I beleive that if any country develped these type of weapons.This will be very dangerous. I donot know that is really Russia develping these type of weapons. I think the most chances are that they are doing so.


New Member
I highly doubt any such weapons exist or will ever exist in the forseable future. The complex mathmatical equations for understanding how to influence the plant's gravitational field, and meterological patterns would be astronomical. We can't even predict tempatures, clouds, and storms that well let alone make a hurricane hit the U.S. I doubt Russia and the U.S. ever had much success in that kinds of weapons research. Why would the Russia attack the U.S. now with such weapon, and not during the Cold War? The U.S. had some successful efforts to change weather after is started, and there are plans to "seed" hurricanes before they strike land to disapate their effects. Though this is going to require a fleet of large converted airliners to drop that much of the seeding agent. That will not happen for at least another few years.

That fact of the matter that the Gulf of Mexico and the Central Atlantic are in a warm spell being 2 degrees above normal. These cycles do acure, though many have not be recorded since humans have only been recording this information for the past 150 years. There is also a climate shift taking place which indirectly being caused by green houses gases. So much more likely the U.S. is helping this issue by not joining in the Kyoto accords and still belting our green house gases.


Troll Hunter
Staff member
Faheem, always post URL/SOURCE in your posts. Next time I see such heavy claims and no source, you will be banned.

Locking, as I think Mr. Steven is a BS artist. PM me if you really want to know what I think.
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