SAT and SAS Commandos


New Member
what do you think about sat(underwater attack) and sas(underwater defence)
commandos?They are Turk Navy's special forces,giving the informations about them:
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SAT

[/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Reconnaissance and intelligence:[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]acquisition of information about enemy structures, facilities, defence systems or strategically relevant buildings. Photography, observation, intelligence gathering.[/font]
Active duties: covert sabotage against naval units, trap making, secret landing, explosive ordinance disposal (mines, traps) within enemy's
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]structures (harbours, channel entrances).
Amphibious attack tasks: Reconnaissance on beaches being considered for amphibious landing operations, collecting information about installations; determining secure landing paths; underwater recon within 2.5 m deep water/beach corridors, detection and elimination of mines or obstacles, direct action during first wave of landing missions.
Every SAT activity needs absolute secrecy and stealth. In consequence to these requirements, some peculiarities are expected in all SAT candidates: Total dedication to the motherland and extreme determina-tion; No fear of darkness, altitude, underwater activity or loneliness at all.
Resistence and effective reaction capability in extreme situations (including torture).


[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Some SAS trained operators are currently being used under the command of Underwater and Rescue Command or within special diving teams. Their other principal tasks are:
Mine cleaning in shallow water (4-5 arms length) Control and management of training mines. Harbour mine cleaning.
Control or cleaning on unidentified objects or explosive materials: destruction of obstacles or objects (under Navy responsibility).
Clearing of captured structures or ships from explosive traps or mines.
Underwater security.

Amphibious operations: detection and marking of mine fields/tank traps on beaches on which an amphibious operations are being planned to be conducted by friendly forces.

Special tasks: prevention of enemy SOF activity against important installations, acting as "security supervisors" in defence facilities. Provide direct support in clearing vehicles or buildings from explosive traps (under Navy responsibility.)
Direction of security measures on friendly beaches against landings.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
To become a SAS operative one must: be an excellent EOD specialist (mines, bombs, traps, granades [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]etc); have perfect response capability to changes in scenarios or operating conditions; be a perfect swimmer and in excellent health condition.

Are they as well as American Naval Special Forces,if not what are the differences between SAT&SAS and American Forces?(ıt doesen't have to be American Forces,if you know special naval forces better than SAT&SAS,please write.):)

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New Member
Bordo-Bereli said:
what do you think about sat(underwater attack) and sas(underwater defence)
commandos?They are Turk Navy's special forces,giving the informations about them:
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SAT

[/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Reconnaissance and intelligence:[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]acquisition of information about enemy structures, facilities, defence systems or strategically relevant buildings. Photography, observation, intelligence gathering.[/font]
Active duties: covert sabotage against naval units, trap making, secret landing, explosive ordinance disposal (mines, traps) within enemy's
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]structures (harbours, channel entrances).
Amphibious attack tasks: Reconnaissance on beaches being considered for amphibious landing operations, collecting information about installations; determining secure landing paths; underwater recon within 2.5 m deep water/beach corridors, detection and elimination of mines or obstacles, direct action during first wave of landing missions.
Every SAT activity needs absolute secrecy and stealth. In consequence to these requirements, some peculiarities are expected in all SAT candidates: Total dedication to the motherland and extreme determina-tion; No fear of darkness, altitude, underwater activity or loneliness at all.
Resistence and effective reaction capability in extreme situations (including torture).


[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Some SAS trained operators are currently being used under the command of Underwater and Rescue Command or within special diving teams. Their other principal tasks are:
Mine cleaning in shallow water (4-5 arms length) Control and management of training mines. Harbour mine cleaning.
Control or cleaning on unidentified objects or explosive materials: destruction of obstacles or objects (under Navy responsibility).
Clearing of captured structures or ships from explosive traps or mines.
Underwater security.

Amphibious operations: detection and marking of mine fields/tank traps on beaches on which an amphibious operations are being planned to be conducted by friendly forces.

Special tasks: prevention of enemy SOF activity against important installations, acting as "security supervisors" in defence facilities. Provide direct support in clearing vehicles or buildings from explosive traps (under Navy responsibility.)
Direction of security measures on friendly beaches against landings.
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
To become a SAS operative one must: be an excellent EOD specialist (mines, bombs, traps, granades [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]etc); have perfect response capability to changes in scenarios or operating conditions; be a perfect swimmer and in excellent health condition.

Are they as well as American Naval Special Forces,if not what are the differences between SAT&SAS and American Forces?(ıt doesen't have to be American Forces,if you know special naval forces better than SAT&SAS,please write.):)


thank u for all sharing abaut our sat and sas commanders