go to wikipedia and search S-400 (cant post urls yet sorry)
do you think the Russians would leave the US to have fighters that have the capability to come in and out of Russian airspace without detection? *this an actual question*
For starters Wiki is hardly a reliable source. I could go there and submit an article stating that the F-22 can fly at the speed of light. Does that make it true?
Second, whilst I have no doubt the radar can scan at 400k's the idea that it can detect and target an F-22 at that range is dependant on circumstances dictating that the F-22 is flying at sufficient altitude.
Curvature of the Earth affects the range a radar can detect an aerial target. The higher above ground the radar is mounted, the further the radar horizon is, but even the tallest surface based radars (ship mounted radars) are limited to horizon radar ranges of about 40k's.
Why do you think AWACS aircraft were invented?
The only possible way any surface based radar system could detect an F-22 at 400k's is IF the F-22 was flying at maximum altitude AND the radar system had the radar power and processing capacity to overcome the radar cross section reduction measures a VLO aircraft like the F-22 employs.
To suggest any current surface based radar system will detect a VLO aircraft at 400k's is fanciful I'm afraid and is nothing more than propaganda put out by the SAM system manufacturer desperately trying to sell it's system.
The S-400 is a capable SAM system by all accounts. There is no need to try and pretend it's something that it's not.
Would Russia deliberately leave itself vulnerable to US strike aircraft? No, of course not. I am certain they are doing everything possible to reduce these "gaps" however it hardly has the research and development capabilities and funding to match the USA does it?
Or do you think it coincidence that Russia is attempting to "ape" many of the F-22's features in it's PAK-FA 5th Generation aircraft?