i couldnt find a general thread on the raf.. is there one? my apologies if there is..
with most people discussing the world super power usaf so much.. some very interesting developments in the rest of the worlds air forces are often missed.. and so is the place of the raf in all this..
the major air forces of europe are all so close in strength.. with some just a little better balanced than others.. with italy moving towards a fighter force of some 200 planes by around 2020.. germany to around 285.. and france to around 300.. the raf seems to be hanging in space with the possibillity of landing somewhere in between them as far as fighter numbers are concerned..
with a current front line of 8 squadrons of tornado gr4.. 3 of tornado f3.. 2 of harrier gr9.. 2 of typhoon.. thats 15 fighter squadrons total..
the raf is looking at a reduction in fighter strength..
however even with a reduction in numbers.. the future fighter force will be extremely well balanced and completely multi role capable with f35 and typhoon..
these aircraft will be available in numbers large enough to do what is asked of the fighter force.. although it will continue to require a high operational tempo.. (although a problem is looming when it comes to providing an air group for the future royal navy carriers)
the raf should still be able to provide a strike force of a size similar to the one it provided in operation granby in the 1991 gulf war.. with the added bonus of weapons like storm shadow.. paveway IV.. and brimstone.. and of course the capability of the well trained professional raf aircrew..
with significant ISTAR capability to back up this force.. sentry.. sentinel.. nimrod mra4..nimrod R1..(if they are still around in 2020) plus significant uav capability.. predator.. watchkeeper.. and the secritive BAE UCAV lurking in the background..
all this translates to huge firepower inteligence and presicion capabilities.. if funded properly and it is not allowed to become a bit of a paper tiger..
looking at supporting assets the lease deal on 14 airbus tankers might be a bit hard pressed to support all the shiny new fighter planes..
the transport fleet will recieve a significant boost with arrival of more c17 and A400M.. however industry delays might cause slow replacement of old air frames causing difficulties as pressure on the transport fleet is only likely to increase with the war on terror..
another very interesting development to watch will be uk military flying training system.. contracted out to industry with all the potensial problems this may bring..
all in all things are looking good for the raf.. and i know i painted a picture here as seen through the rosy glasses of a wanna be optimist.. but feel free to add or detract from my optimism..
and hey.. if storm shadow or paveway IV is integrated on nimrod MRA4.. we might even see the return of the RAF big wing bomber!!!