Rodney Playing Hide and Seek; Awesome Autumn Colors on the Trees!


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In the last days of the Delta era, this Chinook came out to play at the Slopes South at Gilze-Rijen Air Base. The CH-47D Chinook will be replaced by the CH-47F Chinook in the Royal Netherlands Air Force in 2021 and 2022. The D-667 which is know as “Rodney” is still going strong and is one of the last remaining air frames in the 298 Squadron of this type. The helicopter performed a training at the slopes with an awesome back drop due to the autumn colors on the trees. Just sit down and relax during this show and enjoy the beautiful autumn environment at Gilze-Rijen AB. The Slopes are famous for its red background in this period of the year. Personally I was happy to catch this old lady of the RNLAF.
