RN Force Structure


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Was reading this:


Delivering Security in a Changing World - Future Capabilities (PDF 1.5Mb)
The new Defence Command Paper: ‘Delivering Security in a Changing World:Future Capabilities‘

On pages 15-17 are listed three different assumptions with Surface combatants necessary:

2 Enduring medium scale op
2 Enduring small scale op
2 Small scale intervention
1 Standing Committment
9 Factors*
16 Total

2 Enduring medium scale op
2 Enduring small scale op
1 Standing committment
9 Medium scale intervention
11 Factors
25 Total

12 Large scale op
1 Standing committment
4 Factors
17 Total


Is the Standing Committment:

Are the Enduring Ops related to:
Gulf Patrol/Indian Ocean deployments
Far East deployments
Atlantic Patrol-North
Atlantic patrol-South

If not can anyone clue me in on what they are describing?

And where does the FRE ship fit in? In Factors?

And any other illuminating info would be helpful in either case.

*The factors include the # of units requried in the force structure to allow generation of the deployed force and the units held to rotate the the enduring operations.

Thanks for any info and/or direction.

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New Member
Standing tasks are:

SNMG 1 (Standing NRF Maritime Group - Former StaNaForLANT)
SNMG 2 (Standing NRF Maritime Group - Former StaNaForMED)

SNMCMG 1 (Standing NRF MCM Group - Former MCMForNORTH)
SNMCMG 2 (Standing NRF MCM Group - Former MCMForSOUTH)

With regards


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
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Thanks I know.

But the 25 Surface Combatants Destroyers/Frigates are only committed to the MED as the UK has withdrawn from the Atlantic committment.

And the Mine Warfare ships fulfill the other two committments.

What I wanted to konw is the Med committment the "standing committment referred to in the paper.