First of all I have to state that my practical knowledge of the navy is pretty limited. By Q ships I mean any merchant ship that has offensive weaponry mounted.
Prior to WWII I know it was common to make some allowance in the design of Merchant ships to allow for the future installation of weaponry. I'm thinking of British armed merchant cruisers, which while lacking armour or proper fire control mounted the same fire power as a light cruiser. These were defensive ships however German commerce raiders used in an offensive role caused massive damage at least in the first few years of the war.
These days armour is a moot point even warships don't have any, Fire control similarly if it can fit on a helicopter well surely it can fit on a merchant ship. In fact the helicopter itself could. Phalanx is bolt on, many naval guns up to 76MM are self contained on the mount. Short range IR SAMs, Obsolete towed artillery. Not to mention anti ship missiles, the shore defence type perhaps?? Surely a merchant ship is the perfect platform.
What I'm trying to say is that in a future war if say the US or Royal Navy arrive off the coast of an unnamed nation, they're not really going to be afraid of some Russian frigate bought with petro dollars. However disguised merchant cruisers roaming the shipping lanes, would there be any defence against that.
Prior to WWII I know it was common to make some allowance in the design of Merchant ships to allow for the future installation of weaponry. I'm thinking of British armed merchant cruisers, which while lacking armour or proper fire control mounted the same fire power as a light cruiser. These were defensive ships however German commerce raiders used in an offensive role caused massive damage at least in the first few years of the war.
These days armour is a moot point even warships don't have any, Fire control similarly if it can fit on a helicopter well surely it can fit on a merchant ship. In fact the helicopter itself could. Phalanx is bolt on, many naval guns up to 76MM are self contained on the mount. Short range IR SAMs, Obsolete towed artillery. Not to mention anti ship missiles, the shore defence type perhaps?? Surely a merchant ship is the perfect platform.
What I'm trying to say is that in a future war if say the US or Royal Navy arrive off the coast of an unnamed nation, they're not really going to be afraid of some Russian frigate bought with petro dollars. However disguised merchant cruisers roaming the shipping lanes, would there be any defence against that.
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