

New Member
Hello everybody,
I'm a French Air Force patch collector and i have a lot of foreign patches for trade (or sell) against French Air Force. Here are some examples. If you are intrested please contact me. Thank you very much.
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I'm patch collector too.

I look for worldwide squadron patches and I offer Mexican Air Force patches (sometimes from other latin countries). You can see my collection at kiwi's Patch Collection Mexican Armed Forces & World Air Forces If anyboby interested, please send my an email.

I'm only looking for French Air Force patches. If you have some for trade or if you can have some by other collectors, please send my photos.
Thanks a lot
Best Regards

New Member

I found 6 interesting patches in your trades:

Russian Flanker School
Rusisian 3rd Interception Regiment (main interest!)
Iranian Tomcat (f14 siluet)
Iranian Tomcat (cat and persian text)
Asutrian F-5
Czech Grippen

Please Send me an emial for Trade details --- [email protected]