Pakistan, China to establish Space Agency (APSCO)


New Member
Pakistan, China to establish space agency

Argentine, Brazil, Ukraine also keen on joining Apsco

BEIJING: Pakistan, China and some other regional countries have agreed to formally launch Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (Apsco) for developing space technology.

The Apsco is being set up to promote capabilities of the member countries in several areas of space technology applications, said Muhammad Nasim Shah, senior adviser of the Asia-Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications (AP-MCSTA).

He told APP here in an interview that the four Asia-Pacific countries, China, Pakistan, Peru and Thailand have already conveyed the approval of their respective parliaments and governments to sign the Apsco convention.

As per Article 29 of the convention, the Apsco convention will enter into force when at least five states of the Asia-Pacific Region, which are members of the United Nations, have signed it and have deposited with the host government their instruments of ratification or acceptance.

Expressing the hope that the Apsco will be established shortly, he said the government of Argentine has approved the convention and requested for granting observer’s status with Apsco, since it is located outside the geographic region of Apsco.

Brazil and Ukraine have informed that they were also interested in joining the Apsco as associate members/observers. Other governments of Asia-Pacific countries are reportedly reviewing the Convention and the procedure of approval as their signatures are in progress in their parliaments, he added.

China has offered to provide full financial support in connection with the establishment and operation of the Apsco until 2006. As such, the member states are not under any obligation to make financial contributions during the preparatory phase.

The member states will be required to pay their financial contributions from the year 2007.

Nasim Shah, former secretary Suparco who played a pioneering role in formulating charter and convention of the proposed Asia-Pacific Space Agency, said efforts are being intensified to formally launch the organization at an early date in order to expand cooperation in space activities in the region.


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APSCO is a great start for Pakistan, China, and other Asian regional countries wishing to join this organization.

As per news reports, Pakistan is currently developing its own Space Launch Vehicle (SLV).


New Member
And this new agency will lead to greater co-operation between member countries in space tech. Things will obviously gain momentum and the less priveleged would definitely benefit, especially when China's there.


Banned Member
BasitS said:
APSCO is a great start for Pakistan, China, and other Asian regional countries wishing to join this organization.

As per news reports, Pakistan is currently developing its own Space Launch Vehicle (SLV).
Can you provide any link for this SLV and if the satellite is launched then can we have the downlink internet from the satellite caz here Indian downlinks are very expensive and this SLV can also lead us to the ICBM :)


New Member
Well its great to hear that pakistan is developing space tech for future exploration with china. Just one thing China and Pakistan are more then friends there more like brothers it sounds strange but after observing both counteries it seem like it.

This should be an example to the world of the trust both nations have in each other.

Recently I heard that China and Pakistan are developing a fighter jet jointly and and both will have the means to produce it in there respected nations and both will have have half of the profit.

Hates off for both nations, by all means APSCO should be a success it would make space travel for any asian country possible without sanctions implimeted by the US.:D

Elite Brain

New Member
Actually i wouldnt be surprised if this leads to a joint PakChina unmanned misson to the moon in 2009.Things are progressing quite well in this direction and China seems to be going Lunar in a big way.
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india is also sending its own moon mission known as chandrayaan(unmanned) on which india,usa,european union ,japan and china will be sending their payloads,this mission is much more unique,since it will carry a penetrator(a 25 kg bullet) which will penetrate moons core producing images and mapping the minerals present on the moon(this ia an indigenous initiative, since more space is available on the unit india has leased it to other nations for joint reseasrch and development),so india has nothing to worry about pakistan's space achievements since india is way ahead of them in this regards and thanks to their own ability ,india will also be launching italian agile satellite in a deal worth 300 million dollars,may be pakistan can also make use of india's satellite launch facility(geostationery and low earth orbits) as well as disaster management facility(if space technology is meant for peacefull purposes india will definitely cooperate with pakistan),indian technology is considered to be as good as chinas(in terms of satellite launch vehicles) and superior to china's in terms of (satellite technology),usa and european union purchase indian satellite data through the isro subsidiary antrix corporation,india satellite imagery is comparable to western one in terms of quality and much cheaper in terms of cost ,in terms of stellite launch india's satellite launch facility costs slightly less than that of china's(6500$/kg to 7000$/kg),usa has now agread to help india to further develop its space technology,including indian crew on the space shuttle ,and permission to launch us satellites from indian launch vehicles.
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Grumpy Old Man
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Verified Defense Pro
Please note the Topic Title: Pakistan, China to establish Space Agency (APSCO) .

That means that discussions regarding any other countries space efforts, be it India, France, Japan, USA etc... are irrelevant to the topic.

It's not a comparison of capbility - it's a headline.

Please stay on topic and don't derail threads into country comparisons.


Grumpy Old Man
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Verified Defense Pro
starwarsworld said:
Good for pak and china pakistan get lot benifits from china and china from russia but it will be better for pak to beware of china (pak china bhai bhai ) as like (hindi chini bhai bhai) dont repeat. good luck to pak. Parayi aas hamesha niras.
matey please read the forum posting rules before replying to anymore posts.

this is an international forum, hence all replies, and also out of courtesy to our international posters are to be done in english.


New Member
China and India comparison is way too optimistic. By the way China's technology is progressing it will be almost on par with the US in twenty years or so. It is intersting to see that China is improving upon Russian technology recently in the defence fields. I am sure China will do that with its space industry. China probably has access to both Israeli and Pakistani scientists who worked with NASA in recent years. Unlike the defence sector sharing of space research is seen as being more acceptable to world powers. However research and development of hardware as well as finances are seen as the biggest hurdles at present for space exploration.

It is most important that Pakistan continues its joint ventures with China.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Please note the thread title - the attached does not relate to the thread topic. All we will end up doing is end up having Indians, Chinese and Pakistanis comparing their space programmes.

Anyone wishing to talk about the effectiveness of their own countries space programmes needs to start a new thread.

aaaditya said:
well seems china is very interested in indian satellite services.
aaaditya said:

"Many nations keen to use CARTOSAT services"

New Delhi, Aug. 19 (PTI): The United States, Germany, France, Russia, Japan, Taiwan, China, Myanmar, Algeria, Venezuela, UAE and Sudan have evinced keen interest in using services of CARTOSAT, Minister of state in Prime Miniser's Office, Prithviraj Chavan, informed the Rajya Sabha on Thursday.

Although the Indian Launch Vehicle Programme is mainly intended to meet domestic requirements it has been made available for commercial launches for other countries after meeting internal requirements, he said.

The present annual forecast for launch demand globally is about 15-20 launches into Geostationary orbits and about three to six into other orbits, he said.

Considering the curent market scenario and heavy competition, Chavan said a maximum of five per cent of the global market share can be targetted by Antrix Corporation Limited, the marketing wing of Indian Space Research Organisation.

Antrix, he said has been in touch with the potential clients in Europe, Canada, Singapore, Indonesia etc to offer its launch services. A cooperation agreement had also been signed between Antrix and Arianespace of France, for launch of small as well as larger satellites, by Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle and Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle.


New Member
This is good sign but Asia has to cover lot of distance in space field especially if they have to go through with it without the external help namingly U.S. or Russia.

Pakistan space industry lack the launching pad facility, although they do the tech to develop a satellite with limited operations and functions. In the past Pakistan lauched its experimental satellites with help of china and ukraine. pakistan was considering to TOT from ukraine instead of going into the development program to reduce its cost. but deal never got mature.

On the other hand china has huge resources at her disposal and can get assitance from Russia or Ukraine as china lacks the full know how about the space docking tech which require huge sums to develop at reliable level. The rate of development in china is considerably higher than that of Pakistan therefore Pakistan should stick to china and enjoy the privillages.


New Member
Good News! But what are the goals set for this Agency? Joint sattelite Launches? Joint Moon mission? Space research? Sattelite development?

Berserk Fury

New Member
The goal is probably to satellite launches as China still needs a better satellite comm. network. Though they to wants some PR as they've shown with the first-cn-man-in-space; that got huge amounts of press coverage.