NZ Army Light Infantry ?????

Kiwi Echo

New Member
I've been browsing around a couple of the nz related threads and opened up a link regarding that aussie hugh or blake whoever he is , described our main combat force within the the nzarmy as a light infantry.

Could someone other than an ozzie or kiwi please ( trying to stay neutral ) unbiased explain exactly what that means and their role in today and tomorrows conflicts.

and if it isnt too much trouble give me an opinion on the quality and reputation of this "light infantry"


Aussie Digger

I know I'm an Aussie, so obviously I'm biased, but the term " light infantry" has nothing to do with nationalities. It is a term used to describe infantry forces that are not regularly motorised (ie: equipped with wheeled armoured/non-armoured vehicles) or mechanised (ie:equipped with tracked armoured vehicles) or do not have a specific role such as "airborne/parachute" or Amphibious forces (Marines).

It's nothing derogatory. It refers to the fact that such forces operate generally with small arms and "light support" weapons and equipment as opposed to "heavier" forces which are by necessity vehicle mounted.

NZ's infantry, with the exception of 1 RNZIR is entirely composed of Light infantry based forces. 1 RNZIR is now equipped with the LAV III vehicle. I believe that 2/1 RNZIR will also be equipped with LAVIII's but NZ for some reason, didn't buy enough to equip both it's regular battalions... The remaining LAVIII's are currently equipping the Queen Alexandra's Regiment.

NZ infantry (and their soldiers as a whole) are absolutely first class. They simply suffer from their Government's reluctance to equip them properley...