Nuke strength


New Member
Hey ppl.
Howz it going? What do you think is the yield of the world's strongest nuclear device ? When I say this I'm including Thermonuclear/ Fusion bombs. Which nation has it? Do you think nukes will be used in the near future? If so for what and when ? Thnks.


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Thanks for the information.
Can you also tell me the yield of the strongest Indian nuclear device ?


New Member
About 40KT, according to Pakistan's Atomic Energy Commission.

It should be noted that both India and Pakistan's tests were estimated by western siesmic observatories to be somewhat lower than the stated yields, but independent verification was not allowed during the testing, so hard data is not available.

Both India and Pakistan have also tested sub-kiloton devices, which would be used as tactical (battlefield) weapons. Both countries have also tested smaller unboosted devices in the 12-15KT range (about the size of the Hiroshima bomb).


New Member
I heard about Nuclear Tipped Torpedoes and ASW Missiles.
How will be a Nuke Explosion underwater,will it have the same yield,blast effect?

Also heard about some SAM/ABM armed with Nukes,Such a weird thing??


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Thanks for your info highsea. You are very resourceful. I believe you, but where did you get these statisctics ? Can you please tell me ? Are these 45-60kt devices of India Thermonuclear ? I think so, but can you confirm?

Thanks again.


New Member
ajay_ijn said:
I heard about Nuclear Tipped Torpedoes and ASW Missiles.
How will be a Nuke Explosion underwater,will it have the same yield,blast effect?

Also heard about some SAM/ABM armed with Nukes,Such a weird thing??
ajay, GF can give you better information than I can, but I can say that the US has removed all these weapons from our arsenal, and I'm pretty sure Russia has also. Yield is just an measurement of energy in TNT equivalent, so it doesn't matter where the detonation occurs. Underground, space, underwater, yield is yield. Blast effect underwater would be lower in area than an atmospheric detonation, for obvious reasons (water is 700 times denser than air), so it would be more concentrated.

In the cold war days, all ABM defense was based on nuclear weapons- blow up an incoming nuke with another nuke, outside the atmosphere. We don't take that approach anymore- it would wreak havoc on comsats, etc. I have never heard of nuclear SAMs, but I believe we used to have nuclear-tipped AAMs on fighter planes back in the 60's- they were deployed from Alaska during the Cuban Missile Crisis once during an intercept of a Soviet flight of interceptors that were chasing one of our U2's (don't ask me why). Thankfully the U2 made it out of Soviet airspace before the converging AC met.


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FAS generally is outdated, and I don't like using them for a reference. However, AFAIK there have been no tests by either country since 2002, so it should be as reliable as anyone else wrt the nuke question. They list all their references, and provide links, so if there are errors, it is in their sources. Like I said, there was no International monitoring of the tests, so there is a degree of uncertainty about the estimates, no matter where you look. If anyone claims certainty, they are not to be trusted, imo.


New Member
Try this link
Nike Hercules SAM had a nuke with a 2 - 40 Kt yeild, the W-7, also later the W-31, 1, 2, 12, 20, 40 Kt
Talos (Navy)/Talos-W (Army) SAM warhead, low Kt, W-12, also the W-30, 300 T; 500 T (Talos and TADM); 4.7 Kt; 19 Kt
Bomarc SAM W-40, 10 Kt
MB-1 Genie AAM warhead, 1.7 Kt, W-25
As an aside, this is interesting, they developed a nuke for the 16 inch naval gun, the W-23, 15 - 20 Kt.
Have fun exploring.


New Member
the russia has the 100MT nuclear weapon it is true I wanted to say that the kazikstan also had one or two of these 100MT nuclear weapons after the spration of USSR. what happen to them can any one tell me is this contry has them or not


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faheem said:
the russia has the 100MT nuclear weapon it is true I wanted to say that the kazikstan also had one or two of these 100MT nuclear weapons after the spration of USSR. what happen to them can any one tell me is this contry has them or not

A 100 megaton Nuke??? Do you have any idea the damage these can do? The Largest Nuke blast was in Alaska, and that i believe was 5 Megatons. Can you provide a news source for this Soviet 100 Megaton Nuke?


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SATAN said:
A 100 megaton Nuke??? Do you have any idea the damage these can do? The Largest Nuke blast was in Alaska, and that i believe was 5 Megatons. Can you provide a news source for this Soviet 100 Megaton Nuke?
i believe russia has a 20-25mt thermo nuclear bomb.but 100mt is too much and using such a powerfull nuclear bomb would be suicidal as it would affect russia's forces too(under some circumstances),also it will be very difficult to transport such a huge bomb(it would be the size of a house).:mad:


New Member
size is not everything. You still have to deliever it. A bomb is useless you have a effective method of delievering it. Gravity Atomic Bombs are not the same as a nuclear equiped ICBMs


The Wanderer
100 Mt

I remember seeing a Doc on the History Channel some time ago, talking about Russias nukes, the Doomsday Ship etc, the 100 MT test relesed a shock wave that apparently wen round the world 3 times or something like they show a KA computer graphic of it, they also had some file footage of the site all I can say is WOW, the devastation was massive. The USSR had the power projection to get at least one of those through with a masssed bomber strike.