Finnish Navy ordered three brand new minehunters about a year ago with price of 245mE complete with Hugin AUV for searching mines and SAAB Double Eagle for disabling them. The hull mounts all sorts of gizmo sonars from Kongsberg.
As usual is the case in this country, the acquisition was naturally trumpeted as our Glorious Nation being in forefront of technological progress and suiting the Finnish special operational conditions.
But since then, taking a cursory look at minehunter acquisitions nowadays, is any country building them anymore? Have UUV's and AUV's, deployable to any ship, progressed to a point that traditional minehunters are irrelevant, or is this just a case that a vital area is not getting enough attention?
As usual is the case in this country, the acquisition was naturally trumpeted as our Glorious Nation being in forefront of technological progress and suiting the Finnish special operational conditions.
But since then, taking a cursory look at minehunter acquisitions nowadays, is any country building them anymore? Have UUV's and AUV's, deployable to any ship, progressed to a point that traditional minehunters are irrelevant, or is this just a case that a vital area is not getting enough attention?