Mine clearing vehicle


New Member
Recently reported in the Singapore newspapers, the Straits Times that Singapore had bought and operated the Hydrema 910 Mine Clearing Vehicle - technical specs and info can be found here: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/hydrema.htm. This same vehicle was used by the US Army to clear mines at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan (verified by this article:http://usmilitary.about.com/cs/army/a/mineclearning.htm). There is also a nice pic here of the Hydrema at Bagram:http://www.defendamerica.mil/photoessays/aug2002/p082602a1.html.

What I would like to ask is how good are these things? My view is they are meant for after the main battlefield action have moved on or been completed and are not meant to be used in front line action. And compared with mine clearing rockets or rollers, again how good are this type of equipment?

I also would like to hear from you guys your views on mines and their counter measures as it seems to be quite the weapon of choice next to the prolific RPG. Thanks in advance.



New Member
The US Army is looking into a simular viechle like that called Scanjack and is doing trails as we speak now, unless they are allready finnished. The scanjack is a mineclearing machine that is manufactured by a Swedish company in cooperation with croatia where it has been tested, it can clear mines down to 30 centimeters. Can take a direct hit on the cabin still having the personell inside it unhurt, besides shaken.

And its correct those would be used after a war, or when the situation has calmed down.

The privious Scanjacks in croatia has cleared:

"The total number of mines detonated, destroyed or removed during the operations amounts to: 1165 AP-mines, 2150 AT-mines and 1050 UXO’s."


The Scanjack in the US for tests, unfortently its in Swedish, but there are some pictures.

And http://www.scanjack.com/index.html for their homepage.


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Awesome...2 flails instead of just one. Must be expensive - its a Swedish product after all. Guess there is hope for mine-laden countries like Afghanistan , Cambodia etc.

But then these are all vehicle based mine clearing. What about man-portable mine clearing? BTW should bomb disposal squads in the police forces be included?


New Member
One (stleast) is going to be shipped to Iraq, think one is in Afghanistan (not sure though)

There is a new gadget for portable mine clearinf aid developed by students at a Japanese University that is comprised of a unit that both use metal sensing and ground penetrating radar that transt mits a 3d picture of the mine to a display in a kind of glasses type of display but only on one eye. Was tested in Sweden, or if its still being tested, not sure.


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A manpad device that use 3d imaging and a heads-up display? Got a name for that? Sounds like the Japs modified their disaster rescue radar for finding people trapped in rubble to search for mines. Good news for the EOD guys;)


New Member
never heard about radar, but i do heard about ultrasound imaging device. say's it can penetrate several hundred meters underground.


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driftder said:
A manpad device that use 3d imaging and a heads-up display? Got a name for that? Sounds like the Japs modified their disaster rescue radar for finding people trapped in rubble to search for mines. Good news for the EOD guys;)
ALIS (Advanced Landmine Imaging System)