Military Translation


New Member
Good day every one
I'm currently writing a thesis on military translation from English into Arabic. since I don't have a military background sometimes I need the opinion of English native speakers, especially those with military background, about some terms . In the following sentence on the Spanish weapons station system Guardian 2.0 - Escribano - Spain (found in the link below) : "The system is 2 axes gyro-stabilized and it operates day and night for combat, surveillance, target identification, and tracking missions." the function of gyro-stabilization as Google describes it "This means that it provides a stable reference direction that remains stable even despite movements of the platform. The reference direction can be tied into a feedback loop involving servo motors that work to keep the gun barrel pointing in the desired direction"

Q1: what does reference direction means?
Q2: do you think a native English speaker with military background will understand the phrase "gyro-stabilized"?
Q3: do you think a native English speaker with no military background will understand the phrase "gyro-stabilized"?
any help will be greatly appreciated.
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