Metal Storm


Banned Member
Can this single system really take out an entire battallion of tanks?

How is this going to revolutionize the gun?

Would you want this as an alternative sidearm?


New Member
I just looked it up on Google, but Im assuming you would know a hell of a lot more than Im gonna be able to find there in terms of quality of information? :)

From what I read though (not much) I dont think it really rrevolutionizes the gun, just improves it. One picture kinda reminds of me of an old quad 40mm AA battery on a ship, maybe it could prove usefull as a new age version?

long live usa

New Member
there will be a show on discovery channel on this gun sytem tommorow(i think it was "metal storm"and i think the show its on is called"future weapons"


New Member
history channel also had a segment on it
they said that they were trying to set gunpowder off with an electrical charge or i think didnt have nay gunpowder cant remember say its few years back.

ok here found something
Metal Storm weapons, such as the grenade launcher and the handgun under development, use a fully electronic operating system instead of a mechanical one. They have no separate magazine, ammunition feed, ejection system or conventional cartridge case.
here is an article on it


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Since the concept is to replace the magazine of gund and put the rounds in the barrel would you want to use it as a side arm?

It's not able to jam and if you have a dud it is ejected by the bullet behind it. Reloads would be a btich compared to a pre-loaded clip I would imagine. I wouldn't carry around pre-loaded barrels.

I saw the 40mm grenade launcher that can fire 1million rds/min. They said it could take out a battallion of tanks, I wonder is this possible if they are moving?

I think it would make a great cheap replacement for close-in-defense guns but again the reloads, how do they overcome quick reloading without the chain ammo?