Looking to start a Defense Technologies Company based on invention ideas for Military


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Hello Defense Talk. My name is Ryan McIntosh. Im a 22 year old 3rd year business student at NJCU School of Business. I would classify myself as a "self taught" engineer and constant idea generator. Im in the process of trying to patent a few products in the Defense and Alternative Energy Industries.I am looking to start a Defense technologies company that manufactures and develops advanced military systems based on my own ideas.

My first question is: Can I patent a Military system? ( such as Weapon systems, Robotic systems, Unmanned air and ground systems, Soldier Enhancement systems including ExoSkelatons and Situational awarness assistance systems)

Second question: What route should I take for Product development? Should I apply for Department of Defense grants like SBIR or should I find an investor looking to help me develop these systems and than try marketing to the DoD?

I have been doing tons of research on Military research and development, DoD grant programs, defense contracting, etc. There is too much information out there to make sense of everything . Im afraid that my designs and ideas can be taken and developed with the " Big Guys." I need some sort or direction. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Hello Defense Talk. My name is Ryan McIntosh. Im a 22 year old 3rd year business student at NJCU School of Business. I would classify myself as a "self taught" engineer and constant idea generator. Im in the process of trying to patent a few products in the Defense and Alternative Energy Industries.I am looking to start a Defense technologies company that manufactures and develops advanced military systems based on my own ideas.

My first question is: Can I patent a Military system? ( such as Weapon systems, Robotic systems, Unmanned air and ground systems, Soldier Enhancement systems including ExoSkelatons and Situational awarness assistance systems)


Second question: What route should I take for Product development? Should I apply for Department of Defense grants like SBIR or should I find an investor looking to help me develop these systems and than try marketing to the DoD?

I don't mean to deter your ambitions but your going to need years of industry based specific experience producing results ie predictable repeatability in order to secure a grant of any kind. As for investors, they aren't looking for you per say, they are looking for the maximum amount of return on investment with the least possible risk. Finding venture capital is the #1 most difficult aspect of starting a business from scratch. You reallize if you are one in a million and manage to find a venture capitalist you have a controlling partner with a majority share in the company?

If your thinking about $.02 widgets and need very little to prototype you might be able to drum up the minumum funds necessary but when you start talking about "weapons" or "systems" I'm led to believe we are talking about prototypes that are in the millions and tens of millions and the fact is, finding that sort of capital isn't going to happen for you.

I have been doing tons of research on Military research and development, DoD grant programs, defense contracting, etc. There is too much information out there to make sense of everything . Im afraid that my designs and ideas can be taken and developed with the " Big Guys." I need some sort or direction. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best bet for you would be to find a creative position in a DoD vendors organization and learn from them. Honestly, if you can't impress a vendor enough to hire you your not going to make much of an impression on any potential investor. There's alot of experienece and skill required to sell the sorts of things your talking about to DoD.

Food for thought. I'm currently working for a DoD contractor. We spend on average $20k per proposal effort and average a win of 1 in 20. That's just electrons and paper, very little design and zero hardware. Some proposal efforts exceed that cost by as much as 300%. That's the cost to just prepare the proposal.


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Thank you Gremlin for your quick response. I understand the difficulty of entering this type of business sector and am willing to do everything that i can to penetrate it. Im in the process of patenting a few defense technologies that I hope will get my foot in the door. The DoD Small Business Innovative Research program seems like the right choice for me after speaking with some retired executives from the defense sector. The SBIR program claims to [Quote from DOD SBIR site]

" With SBIR & STTR, inventors and small businesses can:

Fund innovative, high risk, early stage projects to start or expand a business
Receive funding quickly -- in as little as 4 months from application
Apply for funding with very little paperwork, time or effort
Retain full ownership of their technology & intellectual property
Receive additional, active support for business planning, commercialization at NO COST
Establish a bid-advantaged, sole-source marketing position with the world's largest, ready-made customer
Gain credibility with their marketplace and their potential investors
Receive real cash revenues, usually paid in advance of the work required

I believe I fit on the "inventor trying to start a business" side of this program. Im also researching if there are any DoD training courses i can apply for that can grant me expert knowledge in advanced military systems development.

Any comments, suggestions, input, advice, or guidance from anyone knowledgeable in this area would be excellent.

Thank you
Ryan McIntosh
Future CEO of McIntosh Defense


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If your going to get involved in the SBA (which isn't a bad thing) you should consider the huge advantages of being SBA approved, SDVB (there's been a huge shift in sourcing preference to SDVB versus 8(a) which "was" the ticket until the last few years), Hub Zone and or 8(a). SBA holds seminars all the time, in most major cities. You can find the info on their website.

You might want to start looking at FedBizOps as a "contractor" and grab all of the documents for RFQ's for the types of services you intend to provide. "Sources Sought" are good because they are looking for qualified vendors that either meet very specific criteria ie SBA, SDVB etc. - OR - are looking for suppliers for very specific things such as missile systems etc. By reviewing the documents, you will see what/how the government solicits for services, and what they are looking for. You should also familiarize yourself with the FAR's (Federal Acquisition Regulations), they are VERY involved and complicated however they are followed to a tee, by ALL government agencies that spend money (ie all of them).


New Member
Hey great question, iv been having the same thoughts about starting up my own defence co. Have you thought about just selling your inventions to one of the big guys after you get the rights to them instead of trying to sell it to the gov.


Grumpy Old Man
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Verified Defense Pro
Hey great question, iv been having the same thoughts about starting up my own defence co. Have you thought about just selling your inventions to one of the big guys after you get the rights to them instead of trying to sell it to the gov.
In the US that market is already "owned" by companies such as SAIC.

research your likely competitors before you start - you might have second thoughts.


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That's my point the US is a really tuff sell the big companies have the worlds best people working for them so odds are whatever myself or anyone else comes up with it has already been thought of.
I don't know the answer to your questions, but I'll try to help :D.

Look at the history of companies like iRobot and Foster-Miller. These companies were once small startups.

In my opinion, go with the path that has the best funding. The DoD funds will be difficult to obtain; there are alot of other great ideas that will impress. However, the funds and support from a private investor will be limited. You should also look abroad to see if any international organizations will/can provide funding.


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I appreciate all of the input and suggestions for what I should do with my military invention concepts. I am in the process of building prototypes and obtaining patents on the technology. There are a few products that i will look into licensing to the large defense contractors. The other products I will manufacture and market. I believe that submitting an R&D proposal as a start-up company with functioning prototypes will help me start and grow my company.

I understand how tough it will be to obtain DoD funding, but I figure if I can produce a functioning prototype on my own funding, they will fund the advanced development of the technology. My main focus at this point is getting patents on the technology and developing a few functioning prototypes.


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How's it going man? I'm a former Captain in the Air Force and I was trained in Acquisitions for DoD. I'm currently serving for a defense company right now. My brother and I also want to start a defense company as well and would like to talk with you. He and I are able to leverage our father's experience with over 30 years in the defense world. We have the same passion you do for serving the country and starting something for our own.

Talk to you soon!

Chris Johnson


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How's it going man? I'm a former Captain in the Air Force and I was trained in Acquisitions for DoD. I'm currently serving for a defense company right now. My brother and I also want to start a defense company as well and would like to talk with you. He and I are able to leverage our father's experience with over 30 years in the defense world. We have the same passion you do for serving the country and starting something for our own.

Talk to you soon!

Chris Johnson
Hey Chris I am unable to input my email address in the post because I am a new member to the forums. Can you leave me your email here?


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ok the email did not go through properly. It left our two numbers. Here it is;




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ok the email did not go through properly. It left our two numbers. Here it is;


I have sent you two emails. Maybe you did not post it correctly? I would like to speak with you.
