Landmine protection


New Member
Always having been a defence enthusiast, I've known about the pioneering work done by South African engineers during the 30 year Border War in advances in landmine protection on IFVs like the Ratel and Casper. (independent suspension, sloping hulls etc)

Recently though, I have read reports detailing the implementation of these technologies in Iraq on vehicles like the Humvee to increase protection from IEDS etc. Do you mean to tell me that the US is only now implementing this technology, 40 years after it was first designed? (and arrogantly, the reports suggested that the ideas were created by US engineers themselves...)


Always having been a defence enthusiast, I've known about the pioneering work done by South African engineers during the 30 year Border War in advances in landmine protection on IFVs like the Ratel and Casper. (independent suspension, sloping hulls etc)

Recently though, I have read reports detailing the implementation of these technologies in Iraq on vehicles like the Humvee to increase protection from IEDS etc. Do you mean to tell me that the US is only now implementing this technology, 40 years after it was first designed? (and arrogantly, the reports suggested that the ideas were created by US engineers themselves...)
On vehicles like the HMMV, etc AFAIK that is essentially correct. Given the US stance during the Cold War in terms of deployments and likely defence scenarios (i.e. Soviet hordes charging across the plains of Hesse) such design elements were not needed by US vehicles. Since they would be fighting defensive engagements on allied soil where minefields would either be known or not present, US equipment would not have significant encounters with mines and/or IEDS.

Why the US, some four years into an occupation where such attacks are common, are only beginning to field IED protected vehicles (BTW the HMMV has a flat-bottomed hull and is not good vs. IED even when uparmoured) in numbers is a question I cannot answer due to the following.
1. I do not actually know, I can only guess.
2. My guesses would devolve into politics and/or foul language, both of which are against forum rules and I do not wish to be banned.
