Grand Danois
From the Marina Militare website. With lovable translation from Google.
Gallery at the MM website.The Garibaldi aircraft carriers, the ships from Saint disembarkation Mark, Saint George, Saint Giusto and the Fenice corvette with to edge 1860 men and women; four aeros a decollo verticale, thirteen helicopters and vary average from disembarkation type AAV-7, VCC-1 and VCC-2. This the contribution of Military Navy to the Force of interposizione in Lebanese decided from the Italian Government in order to defend and to consolidate the peace after long days of war.
To greeting the Italian soldiers of Navy, the Army, the Aeronautics and the Police officers, to edge of the Garibaldi aircraft carriers in navigation to the wide one of the pugliesi coasts, the Prime Minister Romano Prodi, the Minister of the Defense Arthur Parisi and the Chief of general staff of the Defense Giampaolo Admiral Di Paola.
The mission, that it takes the name of Leonte, Italian name of the libanese river, will see the Contingent in the next few days Italian to be annoying towards libanesi waters and then to disembark in the South of the Country of the cedars.