Is India changing its doctrine from Soviet to American?


New Member
If you've been following the armed forces of India for a while you'd notice that some of the ol cold war soviet doctrines are being pushed aside for American strike doctrines. Its very interesting to see the changes that take place. One such change is the process from moving away from T series tanks and onto heaveir machinery. The future of Arjun is bleak but is one step towards western standards. The soviet T series were created for close tank warefare and killing large number of troops with its gun. Having more tanks means you kill more. It was the job of artilliry and airpower to take out western monster tanks i guess. Of course this isn't that only change. Unexpectedly the Indian army moved from 7.62 Ak-47 assualt rifles to 5.56 NATO standard. During the 1980's you'ed think the Indian army would move to NEW soviet rounds like 5.45. I also found that the army is also in the process of changing its artillry requirments. Instead of acquiring the Russian 152 mm system the army dashed for the 155 denel guns from South Africa. But the India is still holding on to some Soviet doctrines that have been rivised, such as airdefence which for now seems still relient on Russian weapons. So what changes do you think the Indian military make, keep or revise?


New Member
in my personal opinion they arent moving forma soviet doctrine to american doctrine, they are following their own path like many other former soviet satellites and china. their needs for higher tech is forcing them to revise cold-war startegies, all countries are going through, even america, is tryign to adapt to the faster, more mobile army. the changes in the rising powers are highly visible in some aspects, while others are ignored by the media