Interest in Defencetalk


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Has the difference in interest in things Navy cf things Army and Airforce always been so apparent?
After some serious navel gazing I noticed that the RAN thread has over 1 million hits, the RN thread just under that number and the Australian Army and Airforce about 400k each.
Considering that there are far more vets from the land and air forces out there, this seems an enigma
Any thoughts?


Ships are more sexy than other weapons, probably! :rotfl
Just look at 6:07 :D
[nomedia=""]Bird & Fortune - Admiral Sir George Parr - YouTube[/nomedia]


New Member
Has the difference in interest in things Navy cf things Army and Airforce always been so apparent?
After some serious navel gazing I noticed that the RAN thread has over 1 million hits, the RN thread just under that number and the Australian Army and Airforce about 400k each.
Considering that there are far more vets from the land and air forces out there, this seems an enigma
Any thoughts?
Er, maybe you should check the post count in comparison as well? The RAN thread may have 600k more views than the Australian Army thread, but it also has over five thousand more posts...

There are only so many times you can look over the same thing.