And do you have any suggestions on how the Russians fight? Artillery barrage then tanks then motorized infantry? Or would the soviet doctrine be hide the artillery until enemy contact is made?
Artillery will be used constantly. There will be a lot of reconnaisance forces in front of the advance, out to 100km ahead. As they locate headquarters, reserves, artillery and long-range weapons (SSMs) they will call in long-range artillery and MRL fire on them.
OK, Russian MRDs have one MRR equipped with BMPs and two MRRs with BTRs.* The BTR-equipped regiments will conduct the initial attack, probing for weak spots in the enemy defences. MRRs break their tank Bn up among their MR Bns, so that each platoon of 3 BMPs or BTRs has one tank attached to it. They also have arty in support. Each MR Bn has a mortar battery with 120mm mortars or 82mm Vasilyek automatic mortars (or possibly 2S23 or 2S31 SP mortars in higher-category units) and each MRR has an arty Bn with SP guns. These were traditionally 122mm but are now being replaced with 152mm 2S3s (these used to be used in Division Arty Regts, but are now being replaced with 2S19s so are available to replace 122mm guns at Regt level.) Against the Chinese, I would ensure that any 2S1 122mm guns had been replaced with 2S3 152mms. The reason for this is that while most Chinese artillery is inferior to Russian types, the new PLZ-45 SP and Type 59 towed 155mm guns have a very good range; 2S1s would be outclassed.
Immediately before an attack there will be a short but very intense bombardment; the Russians believe that artillery causes most of its casualties in the first 30 seconds of fire. The BTRs will then advance, followed closely by their attached tanks. As they identify enemy positions they will report them, and artillery will be fired at them. The tanks and support weapons platoons will engage enemy anti-tank systems. At about 3-500m from the enemy the infantry will dismount from the BTRs and assault the enemy positions. The BTRs and tanks will give covering fire with their weapon systems; if the enemy anti-tank systems are damaged enough the vehicles may follow the infantry in. As soon as the position is taken, because the enemy have retreated or been destroyed, the infantry will mount up in the BTRs and pursue the remaining enemy to prevent them setting up a new defence.
Once the BTR Regts have located the weakest part of the enemy defence, the BMP-equipped Regt will attack there using the same tactics; however the BMPs will be used more aggressively. If the enemy have been sufficiently suppressed by arty, tanks and support weapons the infantry may make a mounted attack, with the BMPs driving right onto the enemy position. If the enemy retreat the MRR will pursue immediately; if the enemy resist the infantry will dismount right on their position and assault, supported at very close range by the BMPs (which have a lot of firepower.)
The BMP Regt will attempt to create a gap in the enemy defence; the Tank Regt will then be pushed through this gap to either pursue and destroy the enemy or to turn to one side and attack neighbouring enemy units from the rear (these enemy units will be nearly surrounded, because the BTR Regts will still be to their front!) This will enlarge the gap in the enemy defences.
The Army commander will now push his tank division (TD) through the enlarged gap and it will do the same as the tank regt but on a bigger scale. Finally, the Tank Army will be inserted into the enemy rear. It will attempt to destroy the retreating enemy, his reserves and support troops. By this time, the Russians believe that the enemy forces will be under severe stress and it will not be possible for them to oppose the tank army with a strong enough force to stop it; instead, it will meet with weaker forces and destroy them quickly, one by one.
* - In Tank Armies, all MR troops are BMP-equipped. I would also try to equip all MR troops in the Cat A CAA with BMPs; this CAA is going to have to do a lot of fighting against superior numbers, and I would want the BMP's greater firepower and armour to even the odds. If I had to, I would take BMPs from the Cat B CAAs to do this; the BMPs are not as important for a diversionary attack. However I would prefer not to do this, as it would not help my deception plan. I would be trying VERY hard to convince China that the Cat B CAAs were my main attack, probably by giving them at least some of the latest equipment.
I hope I'm making this clear enough. It's a big subject.