Good news for Indonesia i guess, they need to modernize their Military in a big way. Its neighbours are armed to the Teeth!
No, they need to spend their money on capabilities which are of some benefit. What are submarines, Yakhont missiles and SU-30 fighters going to do for Indonesia?
Who has ANY intention of attacking Indonesia? All it's neighbours are more afraid of it, than the reverse, from what I can see.
Indonesia cannot protect it's own citizens from, nor support it's own relief capacity in the face of numerous natural disasters, yet can afford these "high end" warfighting capabilities.
The money would be far better spent on maritime patrol, airlift and military engineering/medical and rescue capability than these useless combat capabilities. I say they are useless because they do not have, nor appear to have the intention of developing the doctrine, structures and support assets necessary to truly use these assets in combat.
They do not seem to understand that professional mastery of military operations, stems not from mere possession of "shiny" platforms but from a thorough grounding in military knowledge, (ie: through properly educating it's soldiers/officers) highly quality and focussed training , excellent logistical support and FINALLY quality military platforms.
Like many Governments around the world, the Indonesians seem to suffer from an "appearances at all cost" syndrome. The thinking being that if "we don't have visible high-end military capabilities our enemies will attack us" or that we "cannot go on pretending we are a world power"...
They seem not realise, or at least care that other professional militaries are all too aware of what it REALLY takes to build a professional and capable military force and all the "window dressing" in the world won't change that...
They seem very impressed with Russia's level of support too.
Tell me. How good is Russia at supporting the 4 SU-27/30 fighters, Indonesia already has, (which it STILL can't afford to arm) and were I last heard, grounded due to a lack of funding for spares???