I'm interested in what capacity the Indian Navy have within MCM?
Understand they only have two very old minesweepingclasses, and that they have ordered(?) 8 minehunters. Do anyone know what kind of hunters they have ordered?? See that they have cooperated with the French Navy on their last Varuna 2005 exercise, which focused on MCM warfare.
Have found lots of material on their mechanical sweeping capabilities, but noen of their magnetic nor acoustic capabilities. Do anyone have something to contribute on that matter?? Pictures would be most welcome. :fly
Why am I interested in this?
I'm working on a small study on Know your Friend within MCM. My given nation is India among many other nations.
I'm interested in what capacity the Indian Navy have within MCM?
Understand they only have two very old minesweepingclasses, and that they have ordered(?) 8 minehunters. Do anyone know what kind of hunters they have ordered?? See that they have cooperated with the French Navy on their last Varuna 2005 exercise, which focused on MCM warfare.
Have found lots of material on their mechanical sweeping capabilities, but noen of their magnetic nor acoustic capabilities. Do anyone have something to contribute on that matter?? Pictures would be most welcome. :fly
Why am I interested in this?
I'm working on a small study on Know your Friend within MCM. My given nation is India among many other nations.