Indian Navy and MCM capacity??


New Member

I'm interested in what capacity the Indian Navy have within MCM?
Understand they only have two very old minesweepingclasses, and that they have ordered(?) 8 minehunters. Do anyone know what kind of hunters they have ordered?? See that they have cooperated with the French Navy on their last Varuna 2005 exercise, which focused on MCM warfare.

Have found lots of material on their mechanical sweeping capabilities, but noen of their magnetic nor acoustic capabilities. Do anyone have something to contribute on that matter?? Pictures would be most welcome. :fly

Why am I interested in this? :confused:
I'm working on a small study on Know your Friend within MCM. My given nation is India among many other nations. :rolleyes:


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I have allready read those pages.
I'm more interested in the sweeping equipment onboard those vessels.

Do anyone have pictures of the equipment?
Stories on deployment and recovery of the sweep?
How they work...


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Verified Defense Pro
If so, how come you say this:
Bror said:
Have found lots of material on their mechanical sweeping capabilities, but noen of their magnetic nor acoustic capabilities. Do anyone have something to contribute on that matter?? Pictures would be most welcome.
When one of the sites I linked to says this:

"These vessels carry three types of sweeps - TEM-3, AT-2and MT-1which are streamed from their quarter-deck. The ship's hull is made of special U3 steel to reduce its own magnetic signature. These sweeps act as mine-counter equipment and can detect various types of mines such as electro-magnetic influenced mines, acoustically influenced mines, moored mines, etc. The TEM-3 and AT-2 sweeps simulate various signatures that a ship might produce, which in turn causes the mine to explode."

Sounds to me you haven't read all of it.


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What you mentioned Sir, is common to all minesweepers...

What I ask for is more facts, but not classified information.
The TEM sweep. How many electrodes does it have?
The AT sweep. How does it work? Self propelled, or does it need current from the sweeper?

Any Indians at this site who have sailed the Pondicherry class, and can give me a good story? Maybe a picture or two? :)


New Member
india is to acquire the mcmv's from a foreign source italian or us.they will be manufactured at grse.can someone provide any info on them?


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Verified Defense Pro
Bror said:
What you mentioned Sir, is common to all minesweepers...

What I ask for is more facts, but not classified information.
The TEM sweep. How many electrodes does it have?
The AT sweep. How does it work? Self propelled, or does it need current from the sweeper?

Any Indians at this site who have sailed the Pondicherry class, and can give me a good story? Maybe a picture or two? :)