indian advanced jet trainer

lalith prasad

Banned Member
As per the latest news on russia has proposed joint development with india of a next generation ajt to be based on the design of yak130 and which can double up as acombat aircraft havin upto 75% commonality with the su30mki and several unique features.
hope india accepts this offer.India has ajt development ambitions and is collaborating with russia for joint development of an al engine for the hjt-36 with a thrust rating of 19.5 to 20kn,this engine can form the basis for the ajt if it is developed (an uprated version).


Tribal Warlord
Verified Defense Pro
source??? no source me no believe, no source me no happy. :D:

can you at least post an image or concept drawing of it so i'll have some idea what it looks like?? thanks. :)


Banned Member
He said in his first line. How could you miss the first line? ;)

I think no country should refuse a joint aircraft development project with Russia. They are awesome when it comes to implementable technology. :D

Let's hope this works out really well.


Banned Member
Just copy the url from your browser window and paste it over here. Or instead you can copy the entire article and paste it here.