Hello everyone

Blue Jay

Hey guys! I gotta say I'm very happy I found this site of knowledgable, mature people who share my interests. I'm an amateur military enthusiast who's still in high school, but I can hold my own in knowledge of military matters, especially in infantry strategy and tactics and the organization and weapons that come out of them and the history of such. There's still so much I don't know but I'm always willing to learn! I've read all the rules (should've done so before my first post– oops!). I gave a kind of a quick introduction of myself on a different post I made that was unrelated to the content of the post but that was before I saw this section. My mistake! I hope the mods (gods?) show some divine mercy on my soul, I'd hate to get a warning on my first day! I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys and becoming a member of this community. I'm here to learn.

One last fact about myself: as a South Korean male citizen, I am obligated to serve one term of service in my country's armed forces.